You Spoke! Zombie Turkeys Graphic Novel Application Has Begun!
And the poll results are in: 100% of you want a Zombie Turkeys Graphic Novel! So I’ve begun the Zombie Turkeys graphic novel Application process.

Application to where? To the Image comics website here.
Now Andy, Exactly What Does “Application” Mean?
What? You’ve never made a graphic novel before? Neither have I. Here’s the application:
- A brief, typed cover letter that summarizes your project and your previous work, if relevant. Include contact information (name, e-mail address, address, phone and fax numbers) clearly printed on the top of the page. Submissions are responded to via e-mail only.
- A typed, one page, synopsis of the overall story arc (not just of the first issue). Please keep this as succinct as possible and do include major plot points and spoilers. Tell us what sets your story apart from other comics and be clear as to who the target audience is (“Everyone” is not realistic—there is no single book on the market today that everybody buys). You can tell us whether you see it as a full color or a black-and-white book, a miniseries or an ongoing series, a prestige book or an original graphic novel. There are times, however, when we may suggest what format we think will be most successful for your story in the current market.
- Photocopies of fully inked and lettered sequential story art pages (any size, but no character sketches or bios). DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL ART as your work will not be returned. Please include a minimum of five pages that are fully inked and lettered. We may make suggestions based off these, but we are primarily concerned with your understanding of the medium and how to tell a sequential story. Color is OPTIONAL. If you have a colorist and plan on this being a colored book, it would be advisable, we may suggest a different colorist if we decide to acquire the project.
We interrupt this application to show you . . .
One page of our graphic novel submission:
Now we return to the rest of our Zombie Turkeys Graphic Novel application.
4. A cover mock-up—this lets us know whether or not you understand the market and gives us a good barometer on your design sense. With creator approval, this may go through a redesign if we decide to acquire your project.
Here’s our current cover:

Finally, When Can You Expect a Zombie Turkeys Graphic Novel?
The application will be in by the end of March. I expect at least a month for them to make a decision. So look for an announcement here sometime in May.
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