Your Unique Book Sale – “What’s so unique about it Andy? And why is it only this week?”
I’m glad you asked! For the first time ever I’m offering all my fiction books with quantity discounts. I’ve sold three for $30 (instead of $36) and five for $40 (instead of $63) in person The last deal is the sweetest–you get Paranormal Privateers, a $15.95 book, for $8, a 50% savings.
I’ve never offered this deal online. Until now.
Why only a week? I’m raising all my prices on Amazon by a dollar a book. Click here to go there. It’s my first price increase in EIGHT YEARS. I’ll follow it up with increases to my Square site as well. Click here to view it.
Naturally, you say, “Shut up and take my money!”
Your Unique Book Sale – Five Books for the cost of Three

Here are four books and the fifth is below. The cost is $40, plus $10 for shipping. Click here now. It’ll go up to $55 next week on this site.
It’s $72.75 RIGHT NOW on Amazon. Click to check.
Your Unique Book Sale – Three Books for the Cost of Two
You’re getting a free book. And they’re all great parodies of the zombie apocalypse genre. But I’ve got more genres below.
You’ll get ANY three books for $30, plus $5 for shipping. Compare that with Amazon, where the cost is $41.85 at best and 45.85 at worst.
Click here to see all my books, or pick them out individually below.
Any 3 books, $30
Plus $5 shipping

Oops! Tales of the Zombie Turkey Apocalypse
This is my book before I ship it with my own two hands.
What About Other Genres? I’ve got ANOTHER Sale for you!

My Secret Supers series is about four disabled 7th graders who get super powers. It’s SciFi/Teen Superhero with a focus on disabled characters.
I wrote it because my disabled daughter Tori wanted me to write a book about a flying wheelchair.
All 3 books, $18
Plus $5 shipping
Still another Genre

My non-fiction, Christian Bible books are ALSO going up in price, but not until next week.

Grab a chronological telling of the four gospels in one story! Click here!
Or, you can get a daily study of the Book of Revelation one verse at a time by clicking here.
Here’s an Extra Bonus!
Not everyone will get these books at the sales price. Only those who enter in the next 7 days.

I feel sorry for those who don’t.
But even those who don’t buy the book, are winners.
First, they become Zombie Turkeys subscribers. (Click to join and get free books.) They get the latest news on author appearances, additional free excerpts, and additional book giveaways, including my Zombie Turkeys sequel, My Undead Mother-in-law.
Plus, every newsletter I give away free audiobooks and ebooks, and I pick 3 subscribers to get any book of their choice.
That’s all for now! Andy Zach, signing off!