Here is Your Fourth Literary Gift on our journey to Christmas day, from me, Andy Zach. Every day in December, from the first to the twenty-fifth I will give you a piece of my writing every day.
My past gifts are:
- 25 Days to Christmas – 25 Literary Gifts for You
- Your Second Literary Gift! – 24 Gifts to Christmas.
- Your Third Literary Gift! – 22 Gifts Until Christmas
As always, you can keep track of all my blog posts and get free books from my newsletter. Subscribe by clicking here.
From my book Paranormal Privateers, enjoy this section from chapter eleven I’ve entitled “Pyrotechnics”.
Chapter 11 – Gulf of Mexico

“How many warheads?” the President asked.
“Seventy-two independent warheads. Each with a nuclear bomb,” General Figeroa said.
“How close to the saucer?”
“Within ten miles. But due to an ‘error,’ we’ll be within a mile. Each warhead will head toward the mothership. They’ll detonate within a hundred yards,”
The alien disk swelled like a giant pie plate. A bright flash and the nose cone exploded.
The warheads exploded into seventy-two baby suns, engulfing the mothership.
“All warheads have detonated,” said mission control.
“I expected something more dramatic,” Figeroa said.
“No sound effects either,” said the President.
“We didn’t have the budget for that,”
Your Fourth Literary Gift – Sidekicks
I thought I’d give you smaller segments today. Let me know if you like large excerpts or short snippets by clicking here or emailing me at [email protected]. I’ll give you a free book for your feedback.
This excerpt is entitled, ‘Sidekicks’. Lulu and Sharon are the bodyguards for the Undead Mother-in-law Diane and her husband George. This is also from Paranormal Privateers.

“I’m feeling pretty good. Let’s see if I can make a dent in that door.” I went to the door and felt carefully around the edges. There were no gaps, but the door wriggled slightly against the steel rods holding it closed.
“Hmmm. I might as well attack the sides of the container as the door. I don’t want to bang against it, but that’s the only way to fatigue the metal and bust out of here. What’s to stop them from coming and firing another fléchette rocket or two?”
“How about if we get out with one big bang?” Sharon said.
“How do we do that?”
“I’ve got two shaped explosive charges right here.”
“And I’ve got two more,” Lulu added.
“How? How did you smuggle them in?”
“Let’s just say our figures had some additional padding,” Lulu said, smiling in the dark.
“Oho! Your padded bras have C4 explosive!” Diane exclaimed. “I wish I had thought of that. I’ll do that from now on!”
“You got it in one,” Sharon admitted.
“You don’t need any more padding,” I said sotto voce.
Our bodyguards fixed the four shaped charges around the door, right behind the two steel rods holding the door closed. We retreated to the other end of the container and covered our ears as Lulu detonated them.
Your Fourth Literary Gift Concludes
Finishing with this teaser from Paranormal Privateers I’ve entitled ‘Rescue’.

We entered the saucer. Standing at the saucer control panel, wearing a pink ruffled shirt, purple bow tie, and a black tuxedo, was a middle-aged man with a salt-and-pepper pompadour. He held an Xbox controller, obviously modded. I smelled the scent of hair pomade.
“At ease, Sir Lancelot,” he said, and the gorilla slumped to the floor as he pushed a button.
“You’re the controller?” Diane said, surprised as I’d ever heard her.
“That’s me, and your rescuer. Before the inevitable interview, let’s get moving.” He pushed the button labeled Rome, Italy. “Rome is where I have further transportation set up. I’m sure the aliens will bounce back from a little power outage faster than we expect.”
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[…] Your Twenty-Second Literary Gift of 25 Gifts – Andyzach on Your Fourth Literary Gift! – 21 Gifts Until Christmas […]