Your Five Funniest Memes of April, Curated by Me. If you can find funnier stuff, let me know! Let’s start off with this video snippet.
This meme addresses the burning issue of paper media versus electronic media. This controversy has been debated all my life. Which do you prefer? Ebooks or paperback or audiobooks? I’ve got all three in my Life After Life Chronicles series.

The Second of Your Five Funniest Memes
Are you a Star Trek fan? Then you’ll love this next one.
Do you like Star Trek gnomes? How about cute hamsters, like this one:

Your Third Funny Meme of April
This next one is so relevant for today!
Do you have any pets? I have a black lab named Trip. Here’s a picture:

Have you ever had to put the cone of shame around your dog or cat? We haven’t done so with Trip, but our previous lab, Diesel, needed on. He had an operation on a joint and had to be kept from picking out the stitches.
Your Fourth Funny Meme – a Video
How could a video about driving on other planets be funny? Watch it and find out.
You don’t think that’s funny? Try my next video.
You don’t think a polka is funny? This is part of my youth growing up in Cleveland with Earnie Anderson, a who had a late movie program and he played the character Ghoulardi. He would play this song DURING old horror movies at the most inappropriate times.
Still don’t think it’s funny? Here’s another Yankovitz who’s always funny.
If I haven’t lost you yet, my next meme must be a sure fire laugh. That assumes you haven’t closed this tab yet.
Your Fifth of Five Funniest Memes of April
If you’re still looking for laughs, remember I have a free audiobook for you:
Oops! I actuallly have three more free audiobooks here, with my newsletter.
Last, but not least, through the above link you can get fifty-four free ebooks.
Until next time, happy reading and listening to you!