Your Best Summer Science Fiction Fuel – Let me give you the best articles I’ve found for sparking science fiction story ideas. Let m know your idea and I’ll give you a free book!
Ready? Let’s go!
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST for short) looked further into the past than ever before. And they found galaxies. This was only half a billion years after the Big Bang. How could they form so quickly?
Aside from the mystery, how would I use this for fiction? I’d have a super intelligence forming these galaxies for its purposes. How would you use this new science fact for science fiction? Tell me and get a free book. Click here.
Your Best Summer Science Fiction Fuel – Part 2
Imagine soaring through interstellar space faster than light. That’s what this video makes me think. How about you? Tell me.
This’d make a great cover for that book or short story:
What’s Next in Your Best Summer Science Fiction Fuel?
How about this story?
Here we have the world’s most detailed and best preserved skeleton of a trilobite. They’re very common fossils from 300 million years ago. But usually the soft parts don’t get preserved. This time they did.
I can think of several ideas from this article:
- Someone found some trilobites and is breeding them on their private property.
- A person got a time machine and went back to this time period and picked up so.
- The trilobites developed an advanced civilization and traveled ahead in time to our day.
More Story Fuel Coming Up!
I already have a zombie turkey apocalypse series. How about a squirrel apocalypse?
This tickles my funny bone: squirrels causing the downfall of civilization. I can think of dozens of scenarios, including leveraging my zombie world that begins below:

How would you handle this? Get your book now, right here. You can also email me at [email protected] or you can write a comment on this blog.
Why do I give books away? Ideas are the most important resource a writer can have. Who knows if your idea will give me a great novel?