Your 10 Best Science Updates of June as curated by me, Andy Zach. I’ve always loved science; that led to me becoming a science fiction writer. Now I’m seeing science overtaking the science fiction of my youth, in the distant 60s.
Let’s start, shall we?
Your 10 Best Science Updates – Begin Here
I love watching old videos of our astronauts on the moon. Here we have the Apollo 15 crew dropping a hammer and a falcon feather (the space ship was named ‘Falcon’) in the moon’s vacuum. Galileo said four hundred years ago they should hit at the same time. Do they? Reply to this post or email me the answer and I’ll send you a free Zombie Turkeys ebook.

Here’s Your Next Science Update
What will you find in this science article? Oh, growing new organs from scratch. Also, you’ll find an inhalable drug to fight COVID-19. And then you’ll learn about AI used to manage vaccines. No science update would be complete without a supermaterial. It’s in here. Finally, you get a molecular breakdown of virii. Just what you wanted.
Number Three: Your Quadrennial Flying Car Report
“Quadrennial? Why would you use that weird word, Andy?”
Thanks for asking! I’ve kept at this blog for four years and this is my first flying car report. So enjoy!
FYI, I have a flying skateboard in my novel, Paranormal Privateers.

Your Next Foray Into Science Starts Here
For those who don’t click on any articles, let me summarize: neutron stars may be up to 2.3 solar masses. The lightest black hole so far is about 3 solar masses. The astronomers have discovered an object of 2.6 solar masses.
So what is it, blog readers? A black hole or a neutron star? The first one to contact me with the correct answer can get any book of mine for free.
Your Fifth Science Article Coming Up
I love outer space video, especially beautiful ones like this. How about you?
Your Sixth Step of Science
This story isn’t a video, but instead a gorgeous photo of Juiter from its south pole. Free free to use it as computer or phone background.
Seven Come Eleven–er Your 10 Best Science Updates
Here’s a science story about SpaceX commercially launching over 100 spacecrafts into orbit. Any of you read Robert Heinlein’s novella, The Mon Who Sold the Moon? It’s all about commercialization of spaceflight. If you read it, tell me what you think of it and I’ll send you a free book.
You’ll Feel Great with Number Eight
Step into our showroom and purchase an all new, 2020 NASA Mars rover! It’ll have 100% of the Martian market sown up.
Your Penultimate Science Update
Do you know what a directed graph is? Peruse the one above, of the lyrics of “99 Bottles of Beer”.
Finally, The End
Your final question, should you choose to answer it: would you take a balloon into space? Let me know, and get a free copy of my short story collection, Oops! Tales of the Zombie Turkey Apocalypse. in a new tab)

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