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You Will Laugh at Zombie Detective Parody

Your Thirteenth Literary Gift Andy Zach Newsletter Zombie Detective Audiobook

You Will Laugh at Zombie Detective Parody! Enjoy these excerpts as my 10th Day of Christmas gift to you!

Kindle Publishing
Sam Melvin, Zombie Detective

What is Zombie Detective? It’s a parody of post-zombie apocalypse books–and a parody of amateur detective books. You get two parodies with one book.

But that’s not all! Zombie Detective is on sale for .99 from January 19th to the 26th.

You can get the print book by clicking here.

Do you want to listen to the audiobook? Click here for Zombie Detective Audiobook Preview.

Finally, I will autograph and send a book if you buy it from me, not an online retailer. Get yours here >>> Clickity.

P.S. I give away free books for any comments on the excerpt. Just click here.

You Will Laugh at Zombie Detective – Excerpt 1

Your Thirteenth Literary Gift

Chapter 1 – Laid Off

From Zombie Detective, by Andy Zach

“Sam, you’re fired.” Lisa’s green eyes met his brown ones.

“What? Lisa, you and I have worked together at the Midley Beacon for ten years! And we’ve known each other for fifteen!  And we’ve been married almost two months!”   

“Sorry Sam. Romance has to take a back seat to finances. Ever since the bottom dropped out of the zombie turkey news market since the first of the year, the Midley Beacon hasn’t made enough to pay your salary.”

“But that’s our salary. We share and share alike.”

“We can still live on my salary. And you can apply for unemployment, now that you’re fired.”  

“But what’ll I do all day? I can only play Fortnight for so long.”

“What did you do before I hired you, ten years ago? What did you do while I was in college?”

“Uh, mow lawns. Handyman repair. Stuff like that. But I’m a grown man now. I want more.”

“Hmm, you are a decent reporter.”

“Thanks Lisa. That’s high praise from you.”

“Well it’s the truth. You’ve grown from a crappy reporter, like 99% of all reporters, to well above average. I did lay off everyone else on the staff before you, you know.”

Free Zombie Detective Excerpt – Part 2

Your Thirteenth Literary Gift Andy Zach Newsletter Zombie Detective Audiobook
Audiobook cover – click to listen.

“Now, shoo! Don’t forget to clear out your desk.”

“Aw, you’re making me feel warm and mushy.”

“That’s part of good management, emotional manipulation.”

“Uh, you mean you don’t mean it?”

“Nah, I mean it. Emotional manipulation is much more effective if you’re sincere.  Say, why don’t you call Andy Zach and see if he has some royalties to share. We signed a contract with him to get half the royalties from his book Zombie Turkeys. We supplied more than half his source material right from the pages of the Midley Beacon.”

“I just called him yesterday. His sales haven’t paid for the cover yet, let alone the editing.”

“I told him to go with traditional publishing!”

“He’d still be trying to get an agent, let alone publishing his book. Who wants to represent a zombie turkey author?”

Zombie Detective Sam Melvin
Lisa Kambacher

“So think of something to do with your reporting and investigative skills. That’s your first job. Get out of here and work on it at home. When I come home tonight, I want a decision from you. That’s a deadline.”

“Ok, Lisa. And thanks. You know I work best under a deadline.”

“Sure dear. We’ll go out for dinner tonight to celebrate your new career, whatever it will be.”

“I’m kind of tired of McDonalds.”

“We’ll spurge. We’ll go to the big city of Peoria. Maybe to the Country Time Buffet.”

“Wow. Thanks, Lisa.”

Your Will Laught at Zombie Detective – Chapter 3 – Turkeys

Secret Blog Post
Sam Melvin, dealing with Zombie Turkeys

“Me too. Now that’s over, let’s talk business. About Maryland.”

“What’s going on, Lisa?”

“After the zombie turkey apocalypse, they kept a flock of wild zombie turkeys for hunters. Maryland’s gotten great tourist trade from that. The recent bad weather on the East Coast has kept the hunters down, and the turkeys are out of control. They’re hunting people in the suburbs of Hagerstown.”

“What can I do about that? That’s a problem for the National Guard. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

“Yes, I know. The governor, Mary Landis, called me begging for your help. They can’t find the turkeys. I promised her that you’ve got a nose for zombie turkeys and you’ll find their hideouts in no time flat. They’re paying you two thousand per day for this, so don’t screw up. I’ve booked an evening flight to Hagerstown from the Peoria airport at six p.m. That gives you an hour to get there. Starting now.”

Zombie Detective, by Andy Zach

You Will Laugh at Zombie Detective Parody! – Part 2

You Will Laugh at  Zombie Detective Parody!

The captain put up a map on the wall-sized video screen. It was dotted with little black symbols and bigger red ones. Looking closely, Sam saw they were miniature turkeys.

“The small black symbols are where we’ve found turkeys. The large red ones are where we fought them. The battles are all on the west side of Hagerstown. And so are all the turkeys we’ve found in the woods.”

Sam walked to the screen and peered closely at the symbols. “Hmmm. Look at the turkey attacks, Captain. Do you see the pattern?”

“It’s kind of a semicircular tangent to Hagerstown. What does that mean?”

“See this attack near Cearfoss Pike? Then this one on Fairview Road? Look how they follow the Conococheague Creek. All these attacks in Fairview Acres—it’s surrounded by a big loop of the creek.”

“So they’re following the creek.”

“Yes. Even zombie turkeys need water. And I’m sure there are lots of trees and brush around it.”

“So much so we haven’t bothered investigating the banks.”

“That’s where we’ll go then.”

From Zombie Detective, by Andy Zach

You Will Laugh at Zombie Detective – More gifts below!

Thirty-Three Gifts for you!

Andy Zach in repose
Zombie Detective Excerpt 3
You Will Laugh at  Zombie Detective Parody!!
Andy Zach in repose

Here are thirty gifts for the twenty-four days of Advent and the eight days of Christmas–so far!

Half of Your Gifts!

Claim your free books from me by clicking here! Which ones? Most of them!

That’s the tenth day of Christmas. I’ve got more gifts for you for the final two days of Christmas!

Questions? Comments? Let me know by clicking here or email me at [email protected]

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