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What’s Best on the Internet This Week? Andy Tells All

What's Best

What’s Best on the Internet This Week? I have scoured it from stem to stem and boiled down billions of articles and videos to these. This includes free books and offers for you.

Let’s start with this doozy:

So if one robot kills another, is a crime committed? What is the crime? Who is liable? If you answer these three questions, I’ll give you an audiobook of your choice.

What's Best on the Internet - If you write books What's Best
Andy Zach’s four audiobooks. More to come!

What’s Best on the Internet – If You Write Books

Dig this pithy process chart for book publishing from fellow author Mike Van Horn.

This process excludes audible books, which I produce through But it includes Ingram Spark, which I do not presently use nor Kobe-Nook and Apple Books. Tell me, for a free book, where you get your books?

Next, The Best Review This Week

You can follow the links to the source on Goodreads, or you can read it below:

What's Best
Andy Zach’s first novel. Get a signed copy from Andy here.

Zombie Turkeys (The Life After Life Chronicles, #1)

I met Andy at PeoriaCon last spring at Expo Gardens. He was very animated and reading an excerpt from this book, so I couldn’t help but to purchase it. The book was great. I really enjoyed the humor and detail, but also the fact that the midwest where I from was the backdrop for the storyline. I was very excited to get my hands on the next book.


If you write a review of my books, I’ll give you one in appreciation. Or, you can ask for an ebook or audiobook and I’ll give you one in exchange for a review. It doesn’t have to be positive. Every review helps me gain visibility through the Amazon algorithm.

What’s Best – Here’s a Jaw-Dropper Coming Up

Now maybe you’re creeped out by the size of asteroids, especially the thought of one hitting the Earth. (Although that’s a good premise for a story.)

Your trivia of the day: a meteor 23 miles across killed the dinosaurs. That’s 37 kilometers. Which of the asteroids listed comes closest to that? Tell me and I’ll send you a free audiobook.

Your Last Best Internet Item

People traveling to space as tourists. Would you do that? Let me know, yes or no, and I’ll send you an audiobook.

Regardless, I would go to space if I could. This is a realization of years of science fiction imagination.

Space Travel as imagined in 1968