What’s a Virtual Blog Tour? Let me show you! It begins with Audio Bookworm Audiobook tours, who organized it and made this promotional poster from my book cover:

Why have a Virtual Blog Tour? Social distancing! Shelter at home orders! Corona Virus has shut down book conventions.

Virtual Blog Tour – Your First Day
First blog, T’s stuff! Get your author interview here:

The second blog is here, for Love of Audiobooks. Learn about my narrator, Luke Castle.

Your Second Day of the Virtual Blog Tour
Today we begin with Dab of Darkness blog and my first blog book review! Plus other stuff.

Next, read this wonderful review for you:
There’s so much awesome stuff happening in this book! I really enjoyed the story, especially the backbone of it. Each of these kids (Jeremy, Dan, Kayla, and Aubrey) has their own disability and when Jeremy stumbles upon a way to give each of them a super power, they still have to deal with real life. The super power doesn’t take away or negate their disability but it does give them an edge. Plus, they learn to work together as team, using their individual powers to boost each other. Just a fantastic premise for a story.
The story is definitely geared towards kids, as the plot is pretty straight forward and there’s little conflict among the characters. Our heroes already have a fight on their hands – just being accepted in regular society. In fact, the big hurdle in the book deals with that at their public school. I really liked how they pulled together to tackle the problem and how their efforts pulled in their friends, family, and community.
The end leaves us on a triumphant note as well as hinting as more to come. I hope this is just the start of a series. I think Jeremy needs to keep a close eye on his pet hamster. I kinda hope that hamster becomes the master mind. Ha! 5/5 stars.
Dab of Darkness: I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Andy Zach. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.
The Next Blog on the Second Day
AC Squared Book Blog is your next stop. Check out the Secret Supers highlight and their other books. It includes an audiobook excerpt.
Your Third Blog on Your Second Day
Audiobook News is your third blog this day. If you already know everything about Andy Zach, Luke Castle, and Secret Supers, go to their home page and see what else they have.

I keep my fans appraised of giveaways through my newsletter. Join now and get four free audiobooks–while the promo codes last.
You see, I get a limited amount of promo codes with each book. I just loaded up with new codes for Secret Supers, my hottest seller. I also have codes for these books:

With that, I’ll leave you. I’ve got five more days of audiobook blog tour to share, but this post is quite long enough!
[…] Oh? You missed the first part? Here it is. […]