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Get Your Zombie Turkeys Laughter Right Here!

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Get Your Zombie Turkeys Laughter Right Here!

Okay, it’s been a while since I gave away Zombie Turkeys excerpts: today’s your lucky day! Get Your Zombie Turkeys Laughter Right Here!

Get Your Zombie Turkeys Laughter
Zombie Turkeys front cover. Click to get a copy!

Wait–But Why Get Your Zombie Turkeys Laughter?

Mr. or Ms. Skeptic wants to know–why will I laugh? Will you believe another person, not me?

Check out this review by someone I’ve never met:

Zombie Turkeys?? Yup you heard it right. “Gobble Gobble”.

Okay, so it is pretty much the same formula and tropes that we’ve seen before. Science experiment gone wrong, and it causes humans/animals to go rabid and tear apart everything. Amidst all that we have everyday individuals caught in the zombie wave, fighting and holding on to dear life, and the strife brings together people from different walks of life and bonds them together. New alliances are formed, camaraderie and sportsmanship (literally) are bought to the forefront. We find out that the world is indeed a great place and people are essentially good.

Now in this novel it’s turkeys that underwent zombification. Don’t know why Andy choose Turkeys, then again, why the hell not?? Now, read everything in the previous paragraph as a satire or with a comedic tone and you get a novel that is a laughter riot from start to finish. If you take this novel seriously then seriously there is something wrong with you. I’m sure of one thing, Andy must have really enjoyed writing this one, cause I really enjoyed reading it.

Plot Summary:

So there is a turkey infection outbreak across the United States. The result is that the turkeys kind of become like Wolverine, you can cut or shoot or slash or skewer but like good old Wolvie, the turkeys heal themselves and keep on marching. Hell, turkeys kept inside freezers come back to life and start growing feathers and other accessories. They peck to death humans and other predators, overwhelming them by sheer numbers. If this were a movie I would put this in the posters –

“The last thing you hear before being pecked to death is Gobble Gobble “

Anyway back to the plot, as always we need a hero and that role is done by Sam Melvin reporter for a local newspaper. He is the first one to report the zombie turkey attacks and thus the popularity of their newspaper skyrockets. His boss, Lisa who used to see him as an underachiever falls for him and they develop a relationship. They capitalize on the whole outbreak scenario and provide reports and videos of turkey attacks, people who survived the attacks and other info, on how to fight the turkeys and what precautions need to be taken.

I was hooked on to the stadium scene where a flock of more than 100,000 turkeys descended to the field while a football match was in progress. This was by far the funniest and most interesting of all the zombie battles. Fans from both teams and the players started chopping up turkeys and singing the Thanksgiving song.

Bonus: The Obamas show up in the novel. If that doesn’t pique your interest I don’t know what will.

By the end of the novel it is implied that the experiment that caused the turkeys to go zombie mode had impacted other animals as well – squirrels, rabbits, bulls and finally humans – technically actual zombies. Hooray!! Which also explains the title – “Life after Life Chronicles Part 1″. What I liked about the novel apart from the comedic aspects is Andy’s writing that sometimes makes us wonder if we are actually reading a satirical novel. As ludicrous as it seems, occasionally we are left to seek out the humor as, when people die by turkeys (Lol) the description takes on a serious tone. Don’t worry, it isn’t that depressing, the humor marches it’s way back in, in the next line or paragraph.

So we have sequels to this and part 2 of the series is called – “My Undead Mother-in-law“.

I wish all the very best for Andy and his zombie horde of characters. Keep writing!!

Get Your Zombie Turkeys Laughter – Right Now!

With no further ado, here’s your first excerpt:

Do You Want More Zombie Turkeys Laughter? Have Another Excerpt

Just when you think it can’t get better, here’s more.

Do You Want More Free Zombie Turkeys Laughter?

Zombie Turkeys Laughter
Andy Zach’s three novels in his Life After Life Chronicles, the comic paranormal animal zombie saga. Click to get.

I thought you’d never ask! Here’s how to get free Zombie Turkeys books every month. Click on my page here and subscribe to my newsletter. I pick TWO lucky winners every more by random selection by my pet phoenix. One person wins a free book of their choice: Zombie Turkeys, My Undead Mother-in-law, or Paranormal Privateers in ebook or print book format. The other person wins a free audiobook. Check out the free audiobook sample here.

Zombie Turkeys Laughter
Zombie Turkeys audiobook cover. Click to get!

That’s it for now! Give me some reviews and feedback in the comments section, or send me an email.

Andy Zach

Andy Zach Wins NaNoMo
Andy Zach contemplates his next novel.


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Get Your New Zombie Turkeys News Here and Free Books!

New Zombie Turkeys News

Get Your New Zombie Turkeys News Here and Free Books!

Let’s start off New Zombie Turkeys News with a bang!

Now for the literary bang–and I don’t mean an interrobang. Here’s a Zombie Turkeys bang:

4.0 out of 5 stars

Miss Goosebumps? Have Fun With Zombie Turkeys!

on July 17, 2018

What was most surprising to me about Andy Zach’s Zombie Turkeys? – that is qualified as an actual adventure story! I wasn’t expecting that. About a quarter way in, when a young reporter gets the assignment to follow a swarm of 10,000 rampaging turkeys into a stretch of unfamiliar woodlands, it actually grabbed my attention while I was driving, and I was scared for the reporter (even without the zombie element, 10.000 turkeys is a LOT, and being a reporter is no protection against 10,000 wild animals).

We get a little bit of everything in this novel. The prologue is very funny. There is plenty of carnage, the author has plenty of fun envisioning industrial scale defenses against zombie turkey hordes. There is nice wish-fulfillment as a small-time newspaper becomes wildly successful reporting on the zombie-turpocalypse. Finally, there is also nice wish-fulfillment as the reporter finds ways to survive, the reporting teams grow and expand, and even as love finds its way into the mix.

Part 2

There are two major comedic set pieces included in the novel: a turkey dinner at the Whitehouse (which had a funny moment (to me), where Michele Obama encourages her children to walk across the backs of the secret service agents, and says something along the lines of “Go ahead sweetheart – that’s what they’re there for.”) The second major comedic piece involves professional sports and fandom – when a zombie horde overruns a stadium, fans compete to see which band of hooligans can kill the greater number of invading turkeys – it is a broad set-piece that gets richer and richer as it plays out.

A book with the title of “Zombie Turkeys” promises light entertainment, and that is delivered. There is more adventure than I expected, and slightly less direct comedy — the characters play their scenes straight. The comedy is in the absurdity of the events (at least for me).
Fans of zombie fiction should definitely give it a try. Graduates of the “Goosebumps” books (and there are a LOT of them) might also really enjoy it. Fun. Gruesome yes, but fun (and very friendly).

Forget New Zombie Turkeys News–Where’s the Free Stuff?

Before we get to the free books, let me mention Rik Ty is the author of Thrill Kings, an exciting SciFi thriller. Here’s the book:

Thrill Kings Fragmented Sky: The Birth Of Interdimensional Travel Kindle Edition

Your Free Books Right Here

You can get Zombie Turkeys Zombie Turkeys front cover.











Next, you could win My Undead Mother-in-law:

New Zombie Turkeys News
My Undead Mother-in-law front cover. Click to get more!











Or, finally, you can get Paranormal Privateers

New Zombie Turkeys News
Paranormal Privateers front small Click to get your copy!











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Then sit back and relax. Month after month, you’ll be entered in my two monthly drawings. One is for a free copy of my book in ebook or paperback format. And the other drawing is for an audiobook of my books.

I’ve already given away my books to thirty-four lucky people! You might be next!

Pro-tip: You can enhance your chances by getting your friends to subscribe. Send me their emails and as they subscribe, I’ll give YOU an extra chance for each one in that month’s drawing!

Finally, let’s end with a bang!

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New Zombie Turkeys Review Paranormal Fantasy

New Zombie Turkeys Review Paranormal Fantasy

Reading a New Zombie Turkeys Review Paranormal Fantasy book gives me some of my chief joys in life.

You can also read the review on Amazon. Just click on the back cover image below:


Zombie Turkeys Review Paranormal
Click to read the review and get your download.

The Next Zombie Turkeys Review Paranormal Fantasy Book

But that’s not all the reviews I’ve gotten recently! Here’s another from Goodreads:

I’m so tickled by these reviews, I’m offering you, my faithful readers, a free short story. Click here, enter your email in the subscribe box, hit the button, and I’ll send you one.

Or, if you can’t stand subscribing to my newsletter, just contact me and I’ll personally send you one.  No obligation!

Here’s my signature on it!

Free Zombie Turkeys Book
Andy’s autographed picture

What Else is Going On With Zombie Turkeys?

I have a search for Zombie Turkeys on Google which sends me anything referring to Zombie Turkeys. Look what the Google dragged in!

Then there’s this poll. I intend to make my Zombie Turkeys audiobook in September and publish it. I recently found another way of doing an audio book–using a robot to read it.

Let me know what you think!

Here’s the robot reading, if you’re curious. Maybe this is the next big thing in audio books!

And Now for Something Completely Different

The Game of Thrones has almost caught up with Zombie Turkeys and My Undead Mother-in-law with the paranormal animal craze. Check out this next picture:
Humorously speaking, zombie polar bears aren’t as funny as zombie turkeys. But then, I don’t think GoT aims for humor or comic relief. If they ever want to, I’m willing to license Zombie Turkeys to them for a nominal fee: one percent of their annual revenue.

Let’s make this a two-way conversation! The first person that responds to this post by comment or by email (mention the title in your email), gets a free e-book of your choice, Zombie Turkeys or My Undead Mother-in-law.