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Your Twenty-First Literary Gift of 25 Gifts

Chapter 4 icon Advent Day 12

Your Twenty-First Literary Gift of 25 Gifts to Christmas. Just in time for Christmas, I have a zombie turkey apocalypse. This excerpt is from my first book, Zombie Turkeys. This excerpt is the first news conference after the plague breaks out.

Let me know what you think by clicking here or emailing me at [email protected]. As always, everyone who responds with a comment or email will get a free book from me.

My past gifts to you are here:

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Your Twenty-First Literary Gift: From Zombie Turkeys

Your Twenty-First Literary
Chapter 4 icon
Chapter 4 icon


At the press conference, in the city council chamber, General Bagley motioned he would begin.

“At approximately seven p.m. last night, over a hundred thousand zombie turkeys attacked Joliet. They caused widespread death and destruction. The current number of victims is twelve hundred and seventy-three, with another eight hundred missing. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is assisting with recovery, notification of the next of kin, and finding lost people.” General Bagley spoke somberly to the assembled press.

“The first question to be answered is, how did the turkeys escape our military cordon? The turkeys boarded a string of barges in Hennepin and got off south of Joliet. From there, they went to Farm Fresh Turkey Farm, the largest turkey farm in Illinois, killed the workers there, and infected the seventy thousand turkeys.

“Simultaneously with this barge movement, a parallel attack of a flock of about two thousand zombie turkeys tried to escape the cordon by Spring Bay. They were eliminated by our troops. However, this simultaneous attack probably caused us to not detect the barge moving upstream.

“In response, we are suspending all barge traffic for the duration of this crisis. This zombie outbreak will not happen again,” the general asserted firmly.

“The next questions to be answered are, where are the turkeys now, and where will they attack next? Before I address this, let me reintroduce Dr. Edwin Galloway of the Poultry Research Institute in Northwestern University. Dr. Galloway.”

The Turkey Institute

Your Twenty-First Literary

“General Bagley invited me here today to share some of our latest findings on this turkey disease, which leads to the condition popularly called ‘zombie turkeys.’

“We’ve managed to induce zombiism in several varieties of turkey. We have also cured the disease in these turkeys, using salt water in various quantities and using various techniques: injection, mist, and bath.

“We have a small flock of zombie turkeys at the Poultry Institute and have tested exactly how much damage they can sustain and still revive. As we already know, chopping a turkey in half, or in smaller pieces, will defeat the regeneration process, as will burning them. However, merely burning their skin is not sufficient. Skin and feathers will grow back within hours, and both will be much tougher than normal—enough to stop buckshot smaller than 00. The turkey must be burnt until all the bacteria in it have been sterilized.

“Likewise, chopping off their heads, legs, wings, et cetera, will only cause them to regenerate much stronger than before. Most turkey farms cut off spurs and beaks to prevent damage to the turkeys. When the Farm Fresh turkeys were infected, the beaks and spurs grew back in the hour’s journey to Joliet. Even freshly killed turkeys in stores, that have not been frozen, when infected with the bacterium will revive within an hour, growing an entire set of organs. The armed forces are already going through the dead turkeys and chopping each carcass to ensure complete death and prevent resurrection.

The Most Important Fact

Your Twenty-First Literary
First Draft Complete
Zombie Turkeys fly to escape to Zombie Turkey hunters

“But the most important fact we have discovered is that after feeding, zombie turkeys go into a catatonic state for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. They burrow down in leaf mold or under bushes and twigs while they sleep off their meal. Their body temperature drops, and they are not detectable by infrared detectors. This explains the military’s difficulty in tracking them after these attacks. I now turn this conference back over to General Bagley.”

 “Let me first express my gratitude towards Dr. Galloway and his team at the Poultry Institute. These findings have given us the advantage over our turkey foes. They led directly to the victory at the battle of Spring Bay, and they have given us help in finding the turkeys after the Joliet disaster.

“We are currently tracking the turkeys to their catatonic nests using dogs. We expect to neutralize a majority of these zombie turkeys over the next forty-eight hours. Ladies and gentlemen of the press, the floor is now open to questions.”

The Press Questions

“Dr. Galloway, what are you doing to prevent future infections of turkeys, wild and domestic? I understand several organic, free-range turkey farms have become infected with zombiism, and all present were lost,” asked Jill Holcomb of ABC News.

“At present, the only means of prevention is to daily mist your turkeys with a five percent saline solution. We have not found an effective antibiotic yet. We have informed the Turkey Growers Association of Illinois of this approach,” Dr. Galloway said,

“General Bagley, at the last press conference, you said the zombie turkeys wouldn’t escape the cordon and had no strategy. Yet they did, and you said the two groups of turkeys moved in tandem, causing you to miss the larger group. Wasn’t that a strategy?” asked Ed Fitzgerald of the Wall Street Journal.

“No. We discussed the possibility of increased intelligence in the zombie turkeys with Dr. Galloway. He has tested them, and they are not smarter than normal turkeys. However, they do travel in cohesive flocks, larger than natural turkey flocks. We believe that when the turkeys got on the barges, there wasn’t enough room for them all, and the flock split. The two flocks still followed the general direction upriver toward the east. What looked like a strategy was just unfortunate happenstance.”

Your Twenty-First Literary Gift Concludes

Your Twenty-First Literary
Your Best May Videos
The back of Zombie Turkeys

What do you think of your latest gift? Let me know right here. Don’t forget I’ll give you a free book after I get your email.

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Your Twelfth Literary Gift of My 25 Gifts to You

Your Twelfth Literary Gift of My 25 Gifts to you. Hi! I’m author Andy Zach and I’ve been busy sharing literary gifts with my readers until Christmas. Today’s your twelfth gift!

I’ll now give you my graphics novel, at least the first six pages of it.

Let me know what you think by clicking here or emailing me at [email protected]. As always, everyone who responds with a comment or email will get a free book from me.

My past gifts to you are here:

If you want to keep track of all my blog posts and get free books you can subscribe to my newsletter by clicking here.

Let’s begin with the graphic novel – Zombie Turkeys.

Your Twelfth Literary Gift: Zombie Turkeys

I began to convert my novel into a graphic novel many years ago. I worked closely with my illustrator and comic artist, Sean ‘Fuzzy’ Flanagan.

Here’s one cover.

Your Twelfth Literary Gift

And here’s the inside page.

Finally, your first page.

I gave you some more detail so you could study it. Take your time. Page two is next

The Hunters Arrive – Your Twelfth Literary Gift

Your Twelfth Literary Gift

Do you want to see more? Keep scrolling!

The Turkey Revives

Your Twelfth Literary Gift

The ‘Battle’ – Hunter versus Zombie Turkey

That covers the first page of my book.

Do you see how Fuzzy put the cover image on the turkey?

Amazon Kindle made me change the cover for the Kindle edition. It was ‘too bloody.’

Best Science Stories Zombie Turkeys Gift
Get your Zombie Turkeys here. You get a bushel of laughter with each book.

The Aftermath

The last image is the next couple of pages of the book.

Hunter versus Zombie Turkey

Here Ends Your Gift

What do you think of your gift? Let me know right here. Don’t forget I’ll give you a free book after I get your email.

If you like Zombie Turkeys, you can subscribe to my newsletter here to see all my blog posts and get free books every month. Or you can just stay at my blog, checking back every day until Christmas.

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Your Fifth Literary Gift! – 20 Gifts Until Christmas

Your Fifth Literary Gift In A Pickle Best Content Free Short Stories

Here is Your Fifth Literary Gift as time marches on to Christmas day. I’m Andy Zach, your friendly humorous sci-fi author. Every day in December, from the first to the twenty-fifth I will give you a piece of my writing every day.

My past gifts are:

Perhaps you want to keep track of all my blog posts and get free books from my newsletter. In that case, subscribe by clicking here.

From my collection of short stories Oops! Tales of the Zombie Turkey Apocalypse, I present this short story.

In A Pickle

Your Fifth Literary Gift
In A Pickle Best Content Free Short Stories
In A Pickle short story. Click to read.

Now, what was he going to do? Brice Butterworth’s boss just told him to double the productivity of Vegan Inc.’s pickle strain they used for their Kilwowski Pickle brand. That was completely impossible.

But keeping his job required it. Brice was the low man on the genetic engineering totem pole at Vegan Inc., the last one hired and the first one to be fired if another recession hit.

He couldn’t think. He couldn’t face this. So he cruised the internet. “The origin of zombie turkeys? I didn’t know they’d found that. Hmm, a Midley Beacon exclusive, the foremost zombie news source,” he read.

What Does Bryce Do?

Your Fifth Literary Gift
Zombie Turkeys Wedding

Zombie turkeys had ravaged Illinois and the US at Thanksgiving. Thankfully, they hadn’t hit near Terre Haute, where he lived. He skimmed the article rapidly. Corn-All, one of their agribusiness rivals, had genetically modified their corn to fight off corn disease. The genetic modification would adapt to the disease at a cellular level and neutralize it by copying the DNA from the diseased organism, whether fungal or bacteria.

When wild turkeys ate the corn, it modified the E. coli in their gut, creating the zombie turkey bacteria, E. coli Gallopavo. That moved[A2]  into the turkeys’ bloodstream and made them zombies, able to regenerate any lost or damaged body part, even bringing turkeys back from the dead.

What caught his eye was the reproduction rate: zombie cells reproduced every twenty minutes. Could that work for pickles? Why not try?

He read the article more carefully and found it sourced from Dr. Edwin Galloway of the Northwestern Poultry Institute. He followed the link to Dr. Galloway’s original paper.

There it was. The whole DNA sequence of Corn-All’s modification and the zombie turkey bacteria, E. coli Gallopavo. Now, he just needed a sample. Nothing like going to the source. He called Dr. Galloway.

How Can Zombie Turkeys Help?

Your Fifth Literary Gift
Illinois Zombie Ready
Will Bryce cause a zombie turkey plague?

“Hello? Dr. Galloway? This is Brice Butterworth with Vegan Inc.”

“Hello, Mr. Butterworth. How can I help you?”

“I read your paper on E. coli Gallopavo, and I’d like to test it on various vegetables. Could I get a sample?”

“I can send you a sample, but the bacteria only affects turkeys, not plants.”

“But Corn-All used the sequence in corn.”

“Yes, but the zombie effect only showed up in turkeys. E. coli is an animal-specific bacteria.”

“No other animals?”

“We only tested turkeys, pigs, chickens, and cows.”

“I’ll test some other animals.”

“All right. I’ll send you some of the bacteria and some of the Corn-All corn. Let me know what you find out.”

“Will do. Make it a next-day shipment. Vegan Inc. will pay. We’re under a time crunch.”

“I’ll ship it today.”

“Thanks so much! This may help solve a problem for me.”

“Great! Let me know your results. Be sure to give the Poultry Institute of Northwestern credit.”

“You’ve got it. Bye.”

Your Fifth Literary Gift Continues — Bizarrely

Alice in WonderlandIllustration by Sir John Tenniel (28 February 1820 aa 25 February 1914)19th Century Illustration

Brice spent the rest of the day thinking about how to get the zombie growth bacteria to grow in the pickles. Maybe he could genetically engineer them so they appeared to be turkeys to the bacteria? That would be a kind of chimera, a hybrid between turkey and cucumber. He went out and bought a pair of live turkeys from eTurkey, the online turkey delivery service. They too would be delivered tomorrow.

He created his project plan. He’d try to insert turkey DNA into the cucumber genome and then infect it with the zombie turkey virus. That’d double the growth rate of cucumbers easily!

The turkeys, bacteria, and corn arrived the next morning. First, he ensured the zombie bacteria worked. He injected the bacteria into the two birds and watched their eyes turn red. That was the first sign of zombiism.

He had already moved them from standard chicken-wire pens to the Zombie Turkey Farmers of America (ZTFA)[A3]  approved steel cages. They couldn’t defeat the quarter-inch steel bars, but they kept trying. They’d peck at them until they were bloody. Then they’d pause and heal and try again. So that’s what Dr. Galloway meant when he wrote that the zombie bacteria caused increased aggression.

Using the Vegan Inc. lab’s waldo, he extracted fresh blood from turkeys and separated out fresh E. coli Gallopavo bacteria. The turkeys pecked at the mechanical hands, to no avail. He injected the ECG into living cucumbers at various stages of growth. No effect.

If At First You Don’t Succeed …

Your Fifth Literary Gift
Andy Zach Newsletter
Oops! audiobook cover

No surprise. Now for the second branch of his research. Even though a cucumber’s DNA was far simpler than a human’s, he had thousands of sites where he might splice it in. He picked the ten likeliest and planted twenty chimera seeds.

Only half even sprouted. He tested them with the ECG bacteria. Failure. He tried ten different DNA sites each day to make his “turkeycumber,” as he called the chimera. After a month of failure, he gave up. He had to try something else.

Scanning the internet for inspiration, Brice read the Midley Beacon again. The headline “Zombie Squirrel Caught on Video” leapt out at him.

He read, “The hawk nabbed the squirrel, as hawks normally do, but in midair, the squirrel revived, ripped open the hawk’s belly, bit off its leg, and fell a hundred feet to the ground, where it scampered away unharmed. It was captured on drone video.”

That’s it! He’d try some other animals and see if they’d turn zombie. First, he made a squirrelcumber. No effect. Then a cowcumber. Failure. Then a deercumber. Nothing. Another month down the drain.

The Boss Stops By

Your Second Literary Gift
Lisa Melvin from Zombie Detective

His boss, Wilma O’Reilly, stopped by. “Hi, Brice. How’s it going?” That meant, “Did you double the cucumber growth rate yet?”

“Success is just around the corner,” he lied. He knew what to say to get her off his back.

“That’s great! So you’ll have this solved in another month?” That meant she didn’t believe his lie.

“Maybe a month and a half. Or two.” He had no clue when he’d solve it.

“Fantastic! That’s a commitment to have something by June then, right?”

“Uh, right.” She had him nailed to a wall. He had three months to solve this, and he was no closer than when he started.

“Wonderful. When you succeed, you’ll easily pay for the money you’ve spent on the research. Oh, and by the way, if you can’t solve this problem, we’ll have to let you go in the midyear budget cuts. But I’m sure you’ll solve it.” She smiled brightly and walked away.

Now Bryce Has Skin in the Game

Your Fifth Literary Gift

Ugh. Now what? His mind was blank. He filled it up with social media. A tweet on a hummingbird picture led him to an article about them. Fastest metabolism of all animals. Insectivores as well as herbivores. Huh. They were like turkeys. They were like turkeys on speed!

Why not? Brice thought. What have I got to lose—besides my job? Could he buy hummingbirds on Amazon? Nope. Not legal, since they’re migratory birds. But he could become a hummingbird rehabber. He already had a biology degree, as well as a masters in recombinant DNA.

Brice volunteered at the nearest bird rehab center. They were delighted to have him. He nursed several birds back to health, bound broken legs and wings. He also extracted some hummingbird blood and sequenced its genome.

Brice brought one hummingbird back to the lab instead of releasing it to the wild. He fed it Corn-All GMO grain and studied its droppings for any E. coli. Yes! It produced the zombie bacteria too, just like turkeys.

He sprayed the zombie E. coli at the bird. Soon its eyes turned red. It rammed the birdcage, faster and faster, bending the bars. It was a zombie.

Brice extracted its blood and put it in a cage of bulletproof glass. It settled down, slurping up the nectar from the feeder, eating twice as much as usual. Higher metabolism was another sign of zombiism.

No time to waste. He had only one week left until June. Over the next two days, he spliced the zombie hummingbird DNA into the three hundred spots on the cucumbers’ DNA and planted them all.


Authors Business Owners
Zombie Lady Maximizing Tax Returns

Only one came up. He injected the hummingbird’s zombie bacteria into it. It began to grow even as he watched it, flowering. He hand-pollinated it, and by the time he left for home, he had twelve full-grown cucumbers. Success! Brice could hardly wait for the next day.

The cucumber plant filled the lab when he arrived, covered with flowers. He pollinated hundreds of them. Then Brice pickled his twelve cucumbers. Now they just had to pass the taste test. It’d be a week before they were ready.

Brice took the brine solution and sprayed his zombie hummingbird with it. As everyone knew five months after the zombie turkey apocalypse, salt water was the most effective way of eliminating zombiism. He watched the bird until its red eyes turned to black. Then he let it go back to the wild.

“Thanks, little guy,” he murmured.

While he waited for the pickling to complete, he picked hundreds of cucumbers. He tested their seed to ensure the hummingcumber chimera bred true. It did. The second generation grew just as fast. The rest of them he canned in brine.

The next Monday, Brice tasted the pickles. They were a beautiful light green on the inside. They tasted heavenly, better than any pickle he’d ever tasted before.

The Fruit of Research – Your Fifth Literary Gift Continues

Your Fifth Literary Gift

Brice called Wilma into the lab.

“Hi, Wilma. These are the results of my research.”

“Wow! What do you have, a hundred quarts of pickles? How long did that take?”

“That’s a week’s growth, from one cucumber plant. I’ve got a couple more plants growing, but we need to transplant them to a field. We’ll have to harvest them daily.”

“How? I’ve never seen anything like this!”

“I made one difficult genetic modification. I made a chimera, combining a cucumber with a hummingbird. Then I infected it with the zombie bacteria.”

“That’s insane! What made you try that?”

“I wanted the cucumbers to grow as fast as the zombies do.”

“Brilliant. You’re promoted to senior researcher right now.”

Your Fifth Literary Gift – The Bountiful Harvest

Brice proudly watched the fields of zombie cucumbers grow and be harvested daily all that summer. If left unharvested for a day, the cucumbers would turn iridescent green, like a ruby-throated hummingbird. These colorful vegetables became even more popular than the plain zombie hummingbird pickles.

One morning, overlooking a beautiful field of jewel-like green, Brice noticed a waving motion. Walking into the field, he saw the cucumber wriggling on the ground. The wriggling became waving and then flapping. Each cucumber grew a pair of flapping iridescent emerald wings.

In one motion, the entire field of cucumbers rose in a sparkling green murmuration from the ground. With his mouth agape, Brice watched the glittering vegetable cloud head south.

After it was out of sight, Brice looked around the bedraggled field. Not one opalescent pickle remained.

The Bad News

“Hi, Wilma, I’ve got some bad news,” he said into his phone.

“What’s that, Brice?”

“The pickles have migrated south.”

“What? I have a connection problem. I thought you said, ‘The pickles have migrated south.'”

“Yes, that’s right. Apparently, the hummingbird DNA is more powerful than I thought. Their migration instinct has been spliced into the pickles.”

“You realize that field is worth over a million dollars. You’ve got to get it back.”

“Calm down. I have a plan.”

“What’s that?”

“The pickle hummingbirds will probably instinctively migrate to Mexico, like regular hummingbirds.”

“Get going then. We need you to capture those flying pickles!”

“I’m leaving today.”

Corralling The Pickles

Your Fifth Literary Gift

Brice arrived in Mexico City that night. He read the news and tracked the pickles by the news reports and Instagram photos and Twitter gifs. Louisiana. Texas. Reynosa Mexico. Xalapa. Where was that? The picture from Twitter showed iridescent pickles with wings nesting by the thousands in the trees.

He found Xalapa on the eastern side of the Mexican Rockies. He rented a truck, loaded it with the supplies he had shipped with him, and headed there.

Brice drove to the grove where the zombie cucumbers nested. He started the power washer in the back of his truck and headed to the trees, dragging his hose. He sprayed a jet of salt water over the cucumbers, killing their zombie bacteria. They dropped to the ground by the tens of thousands.

Brice then hired local farmworkers to place them in jars filled with brine. He had enough for a whole semi. He didn’t catch all the escaped cucumbers, but he had enough to make up for the lost harvest.

After that, Vegan Inc. prevented the pickles from developing to the winged stage. But enough escaped Brice that they became part of the annual pickle migration from Mexico to the US. People captured thousands each year along the Mississippi migration route. Some people felt the wild zombie pickles tasted better than the domestic farm-raised ones. Vegan Inc. took advantage of this and built canning factories in Mexico near the pickle nesting sites.

Vegan Inc. even sold their iridescent wings separately as a pickled delicacy. This became their most profitable item. Until they dried the wings and sold them as earrings.

Your Fifth Literary Gift – The Audio Version

Surprise! I found a Youtube channel to produce my short story. Enjoy and subscribe to their channel.

Your Fifth Literary Gift Concludes

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