4 Steps in Producing Zombie Turkeys Audiobook
The first step in Producing Zombie Turkeys Audiobook is to create your ACX audiobook account and connect it to your published book. For me, it’s my Zombie Turkeys book, the first volume of the Life After Life Chronicles.

Step Two in Producing Zombie Turkeys Audiobook
I then published the audition script for the book, selecting the best sections to show the reader’s capabilities. I put the book out to bid on ACX.
Step Three: Sending the Script
After selecting a voice actor, Phil Blechman, I submitted a contract for the audiobook, and the person agreed.
Here’s Phil’s profile on ACX:
Step Four: Approving the Audiobook
Phil will send me a fifteen-minute sample. After I approve that, he’ll finish the book. That leads us to the final step of the process.
Along the way, I also send him directions on how I want the characters voiced: their accent, tone, and age.
I have over eighty characters in Zombie Turkeys. Of course, some of them die.
Here’s one:

And here’s another:

The Final Step: Selling the Zombie Turkeys Audiobook
Here is where you come in: would you want to buy the Zombie Turkeys audiobook? Reply to this post, or contact me, Andy Zach, right here. (Click here)
The audiobook will be for sale exclusively on Amazon.

Let’s close this post with the latest review of Zombie Turkeys:
Right off the bat, you have to assume that with a title like “Zombie Turkeys” that this will be a humorous story, yet it unfolds almost like a documentary. I wanted to love it, but something didn’t fully click with me. I did LIKE it, nonetheless. There are some cute running gags about expense accounts and the occasional shift of POV to the head ZT “He felt great. He was full of energy, he had many hens to breed with, and he was the leader of a great flock.” There are plenty of other gags (like ordering a Zombie Turkey killing flamethrower from Amazon Prime) that continue to make things fun, as well as all of the way-out ways they develop to dispatch the undead turkeys.
Zombie Turkeys Review Part 2
The central character is Sam Melvin, a reporter with the tiny local Illinois paper “The Midley Beacon”. Sam becomes an internet sensation by reporting on the Zombie Turkey outbreak. He always manages to be in the right place at the right time to get the story. Sam is a VERY mild-mannered reporter and I found him a little too ‘everyman’. Walter Mitty at least had adventures in his head, Sam seemed to get to the scene MOSTLY in the aftermath of the battle.
Overall, I think it was the characters that left me in the friend-zone with this story. None of them struck me as endearing, which I think could have gone a long way to make this a better story (for me). Perhaps I should also go on the record as stating that I’m not a Zombie Genre fan. Never watched an entire George Romero movie and switched off “The Walking Dead” after 3 episodes. I’m more of a “Shaun of the Dead” and “iZombie” kind of guy.
Before closing, I also have to say that at the end of ZT, there is an opening chapter of Andy’s second book “My Undead Mother-in-law”. I found it interesting enough to put it on my reading list for the future. Maybe I just don’t like turkeys?
If you have an off-beat sense of humor, give Zombie Turkeys a try. It might be right up your alley.