Fourth of July Surprise for You–or rather, three surprises for you.

First, Secret Supers is free on July 7th and 8th. Grab it here: CLICKITY CLICK!
Next, you can get an autographed book directly from me. Click here now! I give you FREE SHIPPING!
But that’s not all. Your third surprise follows.
Your Third Secret Supers Fourth of July Surprise – A New Excerpt
Enjoy this excerpt where Jeremy and his friends go to rescue their friend’s family from a burning house.

The Secret Supers arrived at the gas station. The parking
lot was set up for a car wash with buckets of soap and a power
washer. The day was sunny, but cool, good football weather,
not for car washing. Amazingly, Darla and her friends wore
their cheerleading uniforms, with short skirts and bare arms
and legs.
“Wow, Darla, aren’t you guys cold?” asked Aubrey.
“A little. Once we get cheering we’ll warm right up. That’ll
help attract customers.”
Kayla pushed her tablet at Aubrey. I have to keep hiding
my powers.
Aubrey read aloud, “The nylons help keep cheerleaders
“That’s right. Kayla was a cheerleader before her illness,”
Darla said. She looked at Kayla and said, “I’m glad to see you’re walking better.”
“Thank you,” came from Kayla’s tablet.
She doesn’t know Jeremy’s helping me. When he goes to sleep, I get wobbly again. But that is the first time she’s talked
to me since I got meningitis. Maybe she is changing. Kayla thoughtcast.
Fourth of July Surprise, A New Excerpt, Part 2

“How are you going to wash the car in your cheerleading uniforms? Won’t that wreck them?”
“Oh no, we won’t wash the cars. We’re just advertising. The other volunteers will do that.”
“I don’t see anyone else here, but us.”
“My brother Rich is coming with some of his football buddies. Oh, here’s our first customer.” The girls cheered and
did some routines while the Secret Supers washed the car.
Jeremy used an electric scrubber from his wheelchair. Kayla
used the power washer, while Dan and Aubrey soaped up the car.
Rich and his friends arrived. “Great!” yelled Darla. “Now we can do two cars at once. Let’s get a production line going.
Here come some more cars. Keep cheering girls.”
“This isn’t so bad,” Dan said.
“Nah. Just putting on soapy water isn’t a problem. I’m glad I can walk now,” said Aubrey.
A New Excerpt, Part 3

Rich called to them, “I’m surprised you guys came.”
“It seems the least we can do. You guys were nice enough
to come to our magic show,” said Aubrey.
“That was really good. I think I got the card trick figured
out, but not the levitation stuff.”
“Keep thinking. It’s a good practice.”
“Oh no,” Dan yelled.
“What’s the matter, Dan?” Jeremy asked.
“My parents’ house is on fire!”
“Did you get a text or something?” asked Darla.
“Uh, yeah.”
“Sorry to leave you in the lurch, Darla, but we’ve got to go
and help,” said Aubrey.
“What can you do?”
“More than you think.”
“I’ve already called my car,” said Jeremy.
“Your car? You’re not old enough to drive,” said Darla.
Excerpt Part 4

“I made a flying car. I can summon it here. See, there it is.”
Darla’s, the cheerleaders’, Rich’s, and the football players’ mouths dropped open as Jeremy’s car came flying down the street, as fast as any other car. Jeremy and Dan had modified it so it had a rumble seat in the back for Kayla and two running
boards with grips and safety lines like a fire truck, for Dan and Aubrey to stand.
“That is SO COOL,” screamed Darla.
The Secret Supers climbed into the car. Jeremy transferred carefully from his wheelchair to the driver’s seat, not using his telekinesis.
“We’ll come back if we can. Watch my electric wheelchair,” said Jeremy as they zoomed off.
“Wow, Jeremy! You’re really going fast,” said Aubrey over the rushing wind
“I told you I was getting stronger. I think we’ll have to modify this again for full seats for you and Dan.”
“Hurry,” said Dan. “They’re trapped in the basement!”
Excerpt, Part 5

“Okay, let me open her up.” The car sped up, and they began passing other cars on the road.
“Fifty-five, sixty miles an hour! That seems to be my limit, now. Hey, did someone call the fire department?”
“I did before we started,” said Dan. “Oh hurry! The smoke is getting thick! They’re lying on the basement floor with wet clothes over their faces!”
A line of cars at a red light blocked them.
“Hold on! Kayla shields up!”
Shields up, Captain Jeremy!
The car faded into invisibility.
“No one saw that,” said Dan, holding on for dear life as they soared over the cars and traffic lights. “Please hurry! My little sister is coughing on the smoke.”
“I guess we can dispense with the roads. My GPS says if we take a twenty-degree turn—”
“Look out for the high-tension wires,” screamed Aubrey.
Six high-voltage wires blocked their path, less than twenty feet away.
“Hold on,” yelled Jeremy.
The car dropped like an elevator with its cable cut. The Secret Supers ducked, and the wires passed where their heads had been a moment before. They could feel the hairs on their heads lift up from the intense voltage a foot away.
“Look out, a tree,” shouted Aubrey.
The car swerved around and over an oak tree blocking their path.
The Elanga’s house blazed ahead, a pillar of fire and smoke rooted in the disintegrating house.
Swooping down, Jeremy brought the car to a skidding halt in front of the house. A wave of heat burned their faces. Acrid smoke assailed their noses. In the distance, fire engine sirens blared.
Oh no! Dan, are we too late?
“No, they’re still alive in the basement.
Want more? Get your .99 copy here!
Fourth of July Surprise Secret Supers Reviews
Great book
Reviewed in the United States on May 4, 2024
Verified Purchase
Really fun book and loved how it involved people with disabilities.
Beyond Limits!
Reviewed in the United States on December 11, 2023
Verified Purchase
It is a captivating tale that defies conventional superhero narratives. The author, with keen insight, weaves a story around four friends who turn their disabilities into extraordinary strengths.
The seamless integration of disability and superpowers challenges societal norms, making the story not just entertaining but also thought-provoking.
The author skillfully balances action, emotion, and humor, creating a narrative that engages readers of all ages. The message of resilience, unity, and embracing differences resonates throughout the book.
This book is a delightful read that not only entertains but also prompts reflection on the true meaning of strength and heroism.
Your Final Fourth of July Surprise
First, you can get free audiobooks by clicking here. CLICK HERE. This includes Secret Supers in Space.
Next, you can get all three books in the series for $5.98. Grab them July 7-8th, the offer is only good until July 8th!
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