Tax Time! Maybe you did know May 17th is the new April 15th? Anyway, besides being a comic science fiction author, I’ve also done my taxes for forty-seven years. That reaches back into the dark ages before personal computers–or cell phones.
If this is too boring to read, scroll down to the bottom, where I’m giving away 30 books and an ebook reader.
Tax Time! All My Tax Blog Posts
First, before I give you my latest tips, here are all my past tax blog posts:
That would be my experiences this year. Despite my best efforts at publishing, I made money–enough to tax. You see, I pour money into my books and use my business as a loss to reduce my taxes. But I made too much money this year. I owe the government money this coming May 17th.
It’s not solely that I made more money than ever before in books. (That is, I lost less than ever before.
Andy Zach’s book sales and revenue (NOT PROFIT) I have revenue in red because I’ve lost money every year.
My wife began receiving social security. That’s a new source of income. It’s not taxed–until the end of the year, if you haven’t already paid enough taxes.
“What?!? They tax social security? Our Federal Government in Washington DC?” you ask.
“You bet. If you make any other money over a certain amount, you’ll be taxed on a portion of your social security, up to 50% of it.”
“Arggh! What can I do?”
“You can make less money. Reduce your income. Or have more deductions.”
“I’ll look behind door number 2, please.”
What’s Behind Door Number 2 – Increasing Your Deductions
What can you deduct? Here are some of the major categories of deductions.
Business losses – spend more money on your business so you lose more!
Medical expenses – Keep track of EVERYTHING. File every receipt. You can deduct some of it, including medical insurance expenses.
Charitable deductions – Give away more to your favorite charities! This includes A. Money (have receipts for everything); B. Goods (Again, get receipts for everything); C. Travel Expenses. this includes trips there and back again for volunteering. I track my trips to church to lead my small group. You can too. You will get a mileage deduction.
Mortgage interest – borrow more money and pay more interest.
Local taxes – State and local income, real estate, or sales and use taxes. You can usually deduct sales or income, but not both. Check your state and federal laws carefully.
Is your head spinning yet? There’s more to come!
Get Help – and not from authors
You can go to a tax attorney, tax preparer, use a tax program, or read tax preparation books and articles. Or you can do all of them. But see my disclaimer below.
You don’t believe I’m an author? Check out this free book giveaway:
“Any tax-related opinions in any part of this document or website (including any links) are not tax advice. The above is a general explanation of tax law and should not be relied upon for your individual circumstances. Tax advice cannot be provided on a general basis, and must be specifically tailored for each individual by his or her particular representative. Any user of this website should seek the advice of a competent, independent tax professional regarding that user’s particular circumstances.
In addition, any tax advice given herein (and in any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax penalties or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed therein.”
3 Tax Tips For Authors Business Owners and Side Hustlers From Zombie Turkeys
Here’s a blog post I wrote for Michael Dinich’s blog, “3 Tax Tips For Authors, Business Owners And Side Hustlers From Zombie Turkeys”.
3 Tax Tips from Zombie Turkeys For Authors Business Owners
Zombie Lady Maximizing Tax Returns
More precisely, 3 Tax Tips from the author of Zombie Turkeys, the comic paranormal animal adventure. Turkeys, even zombie turkeys, are good at gobbling, not at taxes. So I, author Andy Zach, must step in for my paranormal animal friends.
I don’t know about you, but I start my taxes in December, finish in January, and file in February. Yes, I know that’s early, but since I usually plan to get a refund, I want to get my money as soon as possible. Since this is my third year as an author, but my fortieth year filing my own taxes (you do the math!) I thought I’d share what works for me as an author: 3 Tax Tips From Zombie Turkeys.
Public Domain 1040 image
What??? You don’t care? You’re not an author? Well, do you pay taxes? If you do, you still might find this post useful. Otherwise, go read Zombie Turkeys!
You wonder why you should listen to the foremost paranormal animal author of comic urban fantasy, instead of say, your tax advisor? Good question! If you have a tax advisor, great! Listen to him or her. But, if you’re running on a shoestring budget, like me, and you’re cheap, like me, and want to do it yourself, then read on! Or maybe you’re the artistic type and you hate taxes and numbers.
No worry! What I will cover doesn’t involve numbers at all! It’s just the best practices I have found over thirty years of tax filing, plus four years as a Management Science major, plus three years of training for my MBA. Finally, plus two years as a published author. Also, later on I give you a free spreadsheet to track your book numbers, the same one I use for Zombie Turkeys.
My Attitude Toward Taxes
Authors Business Owners – Play the tax game and win $ – Monopoly public domain
Perhaps you view taxes and filing for taxes as slightly worse than death. Here’s a different approach: treat it as a game, like Monopoly! You go from step to step on your tax form, make sure you fulfill all the requirements, and try to keep as much of your money as possible. If you have money coming back at the end, you win!
First of all, I’m assuming that you’re using IRS Form 1040 throughout, since you’re an author and you’re running a business. These steps also apply if you’re not an author or businessman. If you use the 1040 short form or the EZ form, the tips work, but you’ll need less of this information. Just follow the IRS instructions for these shorter, simpler forms then review the steps below and pick up what you need.
Authors Business Owners Tip 1: Get all your income documentation
This includes:
All your W-2 forms. These forms document your income. Everyone you work for must give you one of these by January 31st of the following year.
All your interest statements (IRS Form 1099-INT) from all the banks or credit unions where you had any money at any time during the year.
All your business income receipts for the year. You’re an author. You’ve sold books. Track every sale, the price, and the discount off retail.
All your dividend statements from all your stocks your received during the year. (IRS Form 1099-DIV) This may also include insurance companies and credit unions who sometimes give dividends to their depositors.
Any retirement payments from your IRA. (IRS Form 1099G) Yep, they’re counted as income, unless you’ve already paid taxes on them (Roth IRA). Also include any Social Security income you receive. That may be taxable. If you don’t know for sure, talk to a tax advisor.
Any unemployment payments you received during the year. This is illogical; why would one part of the government give you money and another take it away? But taxes have nothing to do with logic.
Your state income tax refund from the previous year. I know this sucks. But the Federal government taxes the tax refund as income.
Authors Business Owners Tip 2: Get All Your Expenses and Gifts
This includes:
All your charitable contributions: cash, credit/debit card receipts
Any physical gifts receipts
Include all your business expenses. Get all your credit card statements, all your checking account withdrawals, all your Paypal statements. This is a good place to note that your business should have its own bank account, checking account, credit cards, and Paypal account. You might also want to go through your business emails looking for any reference to cash. Why devote so much effort? Every dollar of expense you find reduces your income and your taxes.
Don’t forget all your tax receipts. This includes all state and local income taxes, all sales taxes or all property taxes. The Federal Government allow you to pick one or the other as a deduction. Pick the larger amount.
Finally, collect all your medical expenses. If you’re a Corporation Sole, like I am, then your medical expenses count. Perhaps you’re an LLC or a corporation. In this case you should have recorded your business medical expenses. If this is confusing, skip it and talk to a tax advisor.
Authors Business Owners Tip 3: Get a Good Tax Program
Now that you have all your documentation, use an online tax program like Turbo Tax or TaxAct and follow their instructions step-by-step until the end. I’ve used both Turbo Tax and Tax Act, so I know they’re good. I’m sure there are other good tax programs online. Do a search and check recommendations.
I had you get all the documentation first, because you produce that all year. You need to start at the beginning of the year and collect it all year. We have a simple file folder called “2018 Taxes” and put in documentation all year. Do it.
For my author business, I have email folders for expenses and revenue. I also have paper folders for each. I record all my expenses and book revenues in my Excel spreadsheet. If you’d like a copy, send me a request. I’ll send you a copy free.
You’re All Done! Except for . . .
Double and triple checking your numbers. I ensure that I’ve captured every expense and every piece of income. If you miss an expense, your taxes go up. If you miss an item of income, you can go to prison or be penalized for your missing income taxes, plus ten percent.
I go through each paper receipt, income or expense, twice. The second time I ensure the number is correctly entered in the tax program and if it is, I check the paper.
Electronically, I go through my business income and expenses and ensure the net income or loss on my spreadsheet matches that of the tax program. If not, I review the income and expense entries until I find the error.
Finally, I also count all my book copies so that my physical inventory matches my reported inventory. If it doesn’t, I review my sales and purchases until I find my error.
I just did this for Zombie Turkeys and I was tickled when the income/loss and book totals matched.
That’s all for 3 Tax Tips from Zombie Turkeys! This is author Andy Zach, signing off.
Andy Zach, the foremost comic paranormal animal author in the comic urban fantasy genre.
Andy Zach Author photo
LEGAL DISCLAIMER FOR For Authors Business Owners
“Any tax-related opinions in any part of this document or website (including any links) are not tax advice. The above is a general explanation of tax law and should not be relied upon for your individual circumstances. Tax advice cannot be provided on a general basis, and must be specifically tailored for each individual by his or her particular representative. Any user of this website should seek the advice of a competent, independent tax professional regarding that user’s particular circumstances.
In addition, any tax advice given herein (and in any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax penalties or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed therein.”
3 Tax Programs Compared For Tax Day – Andy’s Experience With Each
I just spent the morning filing my state income taxes. I had previously filed my Federal taxes using Tax Act. In fact, I’ve used Tax Act for over ten years! Then I thought: I’ve used three tax programs over the years; why don’t I write a blog post on “3 Tax Programs Compared”?