Your Twelfth Literary Gift of My 25 Gifts to you. Hi! I’m author Andy Zach and I’ve been busy sharing literary gifts with my readers until Christmas. Today’s your twelfth gift!
I’ll now give you my graphics novel, at least the first six pages of it.
Let me know what you think by clicking here or emailing me at [email protected]. As always, everyone who responds with a comment or email will get a free book from me.
My past gifts to you are here:
- 25 Days to Christmas – 25 Literary Gifts for You
- Your Second Literary Gift! – 24 Gifts to Christmas.
- Your Third Literary Gift! – 22 Gifts Until Christmas
- Your Fourth Literary Gift! – 21 Gifts Until Christmas
- Your Fifth Literary Gift! – 20 Gifts Until Christmas
- Your Sixth Literary Gift! – 19 Gifts Until Christmas
- Your Seventh Literary Gift! – 18 Gifts Until Christmas
- Your Eighth Literary Gift! – 17 Gifts Until Christmas
- Your Ninth Literary Gift – A New Book! – Is it Christmas?
- Your Tenth Literary Gift – More from My New Book!
- Your Eleventh Literary Gift – My Non-fiction Book
If you want to keep track of all my blog posts and get free books you can subscribe to my newsletter by clicking here.
Let’s begin with the graphic novel – Zombie Turkeys.
Your Twelfth Literary Gift: Zombie Turkeys

I began to convert my novel into a graphic novel many years ago. I worked closely with my illustrator and comic artist, Sean ‘Fuzzy’ Flanagan.
Here’s one cover.

And here’s the inside page.

Finally, your first page.
I gave you some more detail so you could study it. Take your time. Page two is next
The Hunters Arrive – Your Twelfth Literary Gift

Do you want to see more? Keep scrolling!
The Turkey Revives

The ‘Battle’ – Hunter versus Zombie Turkey

That covers the first page of my book.
Do you see how Fuzzy put the cover image on the turkey?
Amazon Kindle made me change the cover for the Kindle edition. It was ‘too bloody.’
The Aftermath
The last image is the next couple of pages of the book.

Here Ends Your Gift
What do you think of your gift? Let me know right here. Don’t forget I’ll give you a free book after I get your email.
If you like Zombie Turkeys, you can subscribe to my newsletter here to see all my blog posts and get free books every month. Or you can just stay at my blog, checking back every day until Christmas.