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6 Days of Christmas Left – 6 Fun Links
My first fun link, an interview of me by author JC Steel. I love this next interview! Let me know what you think in the comments below or send me an email.
Second Fun Link
Here you go! How would you even categorize this one? Let me know in your comments. As always, the best comment gets a free ebook! So start writing now.
Link 3 is . . .
Behind Door Number 4
Then there are a lot of space-related links! Here’s one of them. What would you write on the back of this postcard from Mars, the next time you are there?
On the Fifth Day of Christmas, Andy Zach Linked to me,
A zombie virus cure! What’ll they think of next?
Don’t believe me? Then check out this preview of My Undead Mother-in-law.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, Andy Zach gave to me . . .
A previously unseen picture of Andy Zach!