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3 Free Books from Andy Zach’s Birthday

“Andy Zach’s Birthday? How old is he?”

Old enough not to talk about his age. But I will tell you how to get free gifts from me.

Andy Zach’s Birthday – The First Book Zombie Turkeys

Zombie Turkeys lead the way!

Andy reads excerpts from Zombie Turkeys

Here’s a scene from my unpublished graphics novel version of Zombie Turkeys:

Andy Zach's Birthday
The beginning . . .

“I’m impatient Andy! Tell me how to get free books!”

You can scroll down to the bottom or just click here.

Satisfied? If not, I can tell you other ways to get my books for free.

Andy Zach’s Birthday – The Second Book My Undead Mother-in-law

Imagine your mother-in-law and all your inlaws turned zombie. Then they invite you over for Valentine’s Day to celebrate the engagement of two zombies. What could possibly go wrong?

Andy Zach's Birthday
Valentine’s Day dinner with the zombie-in-laws

I read this excerpt for you here:

St. Valentine’s Day Zombie Massacre

Andy Zach’s Birthday – The Third Book Paranormal Privateers

“We’ve got zombie turkeys, zombie humans, what else do you have for us, Andy?”

How about zombies working on a luxury yacht as privateers under a letter of marque from President Trump? They’re sent to areas too sensitive for the US to meddle directly. Here’s the ship, the Resolute Too. That’s the undead mother-in-law on the prow.

Andy Zach's Birthday
The Loving Zombie Privateers
Curious? Check it out for free by clicking.

Andy Zach’s Birthday – 4 Ways to Free Books

  1. Simply win in either of my two monthly drawings. Enter here.
  2. Just pick up any book through Kindle Unlimited. Free ebooks, you know.
  3. Get your free audiobook through Audible. Zombie Turkeys, My Undead Mother-in-law, and Paranormal Privateers are all free for your listening pleasure with your Audible subscription.
  4. Simply write a review on Amazon or Goodreads and I’ll send you an ebook of your choice. Contact me here and I’ll send you the ebook for a link to your review.

That’s it for today! I pick the free books tomorrow from my subscription list. Don’t miss out, get on the free book list.

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Your Fun Links and Andy Zach’s Appearance Report

Fun Links

Your Fun Links and Andy Zach’s Appearance Report

“Where are my Fun Links, Andy?”, you ask. In honor of my book Zombie Turkeys two year anniversary since publication, let’s start with this one:

Who will win a battle between a turkey (non-zombie) and a hawk? Watch and find out!

Also, you can get a free sample of the audiobook version here. Just click on the triangle next to the words ‘Audio sample’ below the cover.

Zombie Turkeys Laughter
Zombie Turkeys audiobook cover. Click to get!

Your Fun Links – The Next Generation

You may not be aware of the following fact:

You ask, “What do you mean, ‘Life imitating art’?” If you’ve read Zombie Turkeys and Paranormal Privateers, you’d know. SPOILER ALERT

Continue reading Your Fun Links and Andy Zach’s Appearance Report

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Back to Normal(?) – Giving Away Books

Zombie Turkeys Chapter 11 Icon

Back to Normal (?) – Giving Away Books

Giving Away Books
Life After Life Chronicles available as a series! Click to get!

Giving Away Books is normal for me. But am I ever normal? Check my bio here or my free short story on how I got my pet phoenix if you have any thought I’m your average comic paranormal animal author.

So what’s the deal on free books?  I gave away three books to three people at Penned Con. I’ve given away forty books to eager fans since I first published Zombie Turkeys on October 31st, 2016.

What do you have to do? Just subscribe to my newsletter by clicking right here. Now. I’ll hold my monthly drawing for an ebook or paperback and an audiobook tomorrow, October 4th.

What Does Andy Do When He’s NOT Giving Away Books?

Write! I’m working on a novel about four disabled children who acquire super powers–but remain disabled. This should be fun. Look for Advanced Reader Copies from this site Real Soon Now!

Post! I put fun links on Facebook and Twitter every day.  Check these out.

Moving on from science fiction, this next one is pure fantasy.

Do you want more? Here’s one more:

Andy Zach Reviews Books Too

You can find my reviews on my Goodreads profile page.
Here’s one of my recent reviews:

The New Adventures of the Mad Scientists' Club (Mad Scientists' Club, #2)The New Adventures of the Mad Scientists’ Club by Bertrand R. Brinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A wonderful example of historic young adult fiction set in the 50s of small-town US. Author Bertrand Brinley wrote these stories for Boys Life magazine and then compiled them in this book.

He depicts the adventures of a teen boy club, ‘The Mad Scientists Club’ and its rivalry with another group of boys as they engage in adventures, pranks, and exploration. One adventure involves bidding on and buying a scrap Japanese midget submarine and then rebuilding it.

A prank they pull is making a flying saucer-shaped airship, remotely controlled, which causes a townwide sensation.

The closing story involves battles with their rival club, as each seeks to outsmart the other.

I read the first volume as a Scholastic paperback in about fifth or sixth grade in the 60s. The second volume is more of the same. I wonder how much of today’s YA fiction will still be read in fifty years?

View all my reviews

Now let’s go from YA fiction to Space Opera

In Fire Forged (Worlds of Honor, #5)In Fire Forged by David Weber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Generally, I don’t like shorter fiction (short stories, novellas) as much as longer, but this anthology may be the best I’ve read since ‘The Best of Science Fiction’ series in the 70s. The stories are longer than short stories, novellas or longer and of universally good quality.

All the stories are associated with the ‘Honorverse’, the story world created by David Weber for his beloved spaceship captain, Honor Harrington. The authors are Jane Lindskold, writing ‘Ruthless’; Timothy Zahn writing ‘An Act of War’, and David Weber writing ‘Let’s Dance’. Ms. Lindskold and Mr. Zahn have co-authored books with David Weber previously.

Finishing up the collection is an interesting and technical examination of military technology by Andy Presby.

Any fan of David Weber will enjoy reading all the stories in this book. They’re all very creative and add interesting wrinkles and details about events referred to in the Honorverse, but not explored in depth.

View all my reviews

That’s it for today! See you soon!

Andy Zach reviewing 2017Gives Away Books