Fan Comments and Free Books

I want YOU to enjoy my Fan Comments. Some are from email, some from Goodreads, some from Amazon. and some from Facebook.
You’ll enjoy the ones I picked out.
Are you jealous, that these fans are picked out for notoriety, and not you? Just contact me here and maybe next time I’ll post your comment.
Or just reply to this post below.
Fan Comments — Free Books Next
Everyone wants free books. Did you know I give away a free ebook or paperback EVERY month? I have a monthly drawing.
Did you know I give away a free AUDIOBOOK every month? I have a monthly drawing for that too.
How do you get in the drawings? Subscribe here, at my Mailchimp Landing page. But hurry! The next drawings are September 1st.
Speaking of landings, here’s a good near-landing. Best comment or caption gets an ebook!

First, the Best Email Fan Comments
In a recent newsletter, I encouraged fans to respond to this picture. Boy did they!

I asked my fans to explain how this photo was created. Here are the two best responses:
From “Spam Collector”:
Seriously, look at the lower part of the iceberg. Colors and shapes are too
perfect. Nothing in the background even though there is land or other bergs?
Then, from Howard:
I assume it is a photo on top and an artist’s rendering below for several reasons.
1, the physics. the ice would not be stable in that position. it would turn on its side. Just as a sheet of ice on a pond does not point up and down.
2. the optics. there is not as much detail in the bottom as the top.
3. unless illuminated artificially, the bottom would be in darkness, and the top brighter. Water absorbs visible light. so there should be a gradient illumination.
4. Pictures I have seen of real icebergs tend to look more like somewhat smooshed Hershey’s kisses. Kind of pointier on the top and kind of a blob below.
I awarded Howard the free ebook.
Second, Best Goodreads Fan Comment Follows
Goodreads doesn’t get the traffic Amazon does, but there are great book fans there!

This was a book I picked up with trepidation as it seemed all too possible it would be a ‘one trick pony’ stretching a single joke to beyond breaking point across the length of an entire novel. Wrong! It is like a bowl of potpourri on the sideboard of life – lots of subtle blending examples of humour – many of them very American so I suspect there were even more than I noticed, handicapped by my British perspective. This is a book that takes ironic comedy to a whole new level – maybe ‘steelic’ comedy…? Humour is a very personal thing, but this book hit me right on the funny bone.
Third, Best Amazon Fan Comment
I still like this next one, even a year later!
Finally, From Facebook, the Best Comment Next
From Mike Gilliam
I think even I would like cats if they looked like this.