Pre-Christmas Potpourri – News and Your Free Short Story
Greetings zombie fans, Zombie Turkeys fans and My Undead Mother-in-law fans! This is Andy Zach here with my Christmas Potpourri before Christmas. More on Christmas later!

Let’s begin with Facebook!
Christmas Potpourri: Andy Zach Facebook Posts
Here’s my free short story offer! Just click on the post, follow the directions, and I’ll send you my short story, A Phoenix Tale. Or you can reply to this blog post. Or contact me on this blog!
Next you can read my review of Ksenia Anske’s humorous fantasy young adult book, The Badlings.
Life wouldn’t be complete without a video excerpt from me reading from My Undead Mother-in-law.

Christmas Potpourri: Zombie Turkeys Posts
The zombie Turkeys were busy posting too!

December 24th is the last day of Twelve Days of Christmas Buying on Facebook. Dozens of fantasy, science fiction, and humor authors are offering their best deals. Don’t miss it!
Did you know authors, even me, Andy Zach want reviews? Do you know why?
And now for a humorous dog video:
Next, I have a spooky turkey video: turkeys vs a cat.
Now we have a writing sample from a guest author: a computer!
Then I have this zombie-themed Dilbert cartoon:
And then a video of me reading a Zombie Turkeys excerpt:
Paranormal Privateers Progress
Moving on, let me give you an update on my Paranormal Privateers novel, volume three in my Life After Life Chronicles. I had the delight of researching flying saucer movies of the 50s, like this one:
I also had a chance to compute the apparent diameter of the seven-mile in diameter flying saucer next to the ISS, International Space Station, orbiting at two hundred and fifty four miles above the earth. I compared it to the moon at 240,000 miles with a diameter of 2,100 miles. The saucer would look three times the size of the moon.
Adding these and other items to my novel, I’m in chapter 8 Washington DC with 55,000 words done. The first draft will be around 100,000 words. It’ll probably edit to 80-90,000 words.
Let me know in the comments what elements of Zombie Turkeys and My Undead Mother-in-law you’d like to see and I’ll send you an advanced readers copy, the same text I’ll send my editor.