Progress! “Life After Life Chronicles” Slow, but right!
I just made progress on My Undead Mother-in-law! That’s the second volume of my “Life After Life Chronicles”, my comic parody of the zombie genre. So far I’m 93% complete on the Week 4 phase. 5 Weeks remain until the deadline.
I spent 37 years as a programmer, systems analyst, and project manager, and the classic description of project management is “It takes 50% of the time to get 90% done, and then 100% of the time to get the last 10%”. Project management has such low standards that any completed project is considered a success, even if it’s late and over budget.
By these generous standards, my book “My Undead Mother-in-law” is doing great! The first draft is only five weeks late! I have real hope of getting it to my editor by May 1st. So, I’m not as big of a turkey (zombie or otherwise) as I could be!

I believe this volume 2 of the “Life After Life Chronicles”, my series of comical zombie books, is more complex and just as entertaining as “Zombie Turkeys”. (Available for purchase on Amazon: link.)
[mybookprogress progress=”0.92722″ phase_name=”Week 4″ deadline=”1480464000″ book=”3″ book_title=”My Undead Mother-in-law” bar_color=”CB3301″ cover_image=”183″]
Please reply to this post if you want a FREE copy of an excerpt from “My Undead Mother-in-law”. I have one just for you. Here is my signed guarantee: