Summertime Science Fiction and Fact is the title that popped into my head as I thought about what I wanted to write this week. I’ve found a lot of science fiction books and science articles I want to share. Will I get ten in? Read and find out!
Begin with Summertime Science Fiction and Fantasy
Your first book is fantasy, by my fellow author Angelique Anderson.
Your next great book is hard science fiction by author, Eric Michael Craig.
Proceed to Science News, Found For You
This story sounds like science fiction, but it is science fact. Is it any wonder I picked it for you to enjoy?
Now, cast your eyes about this video from 45 years ago:
Back to the Future, With Summer Science News
This is some raw science for you, here and now, discovering the quantum behavior of heat transfer.
Just as science pushes into the future, it also explores the past.
This too, could be a science fiction story, just as believable as:

Yet More Summertime Science Fiction Coming Up – Or Is It?
Science fiction becomes science fact every day. But here is a real science fiction book, just reviewed here:
For your next fun link, you must decide if robotic birds are science or science fiction. Reply to me and tell me and I’ll send you a free book of your choice.

Now here you’ll get a real science fiction book. Or is it fantasy? Or both? It’s author Cindy Tomamichel’s collection of short stories for your reading pleasure.
Your Last Bit of Summertime Science Fiction – Or Fact?
We know Jurassic Park, a science fiction movie, had a Dilophosaurus. How much was fiction and how much is fact? You tell me! On the frontiers of science what is fact and what is fiction changes daily.