Paranormal Super Bowl! Get your free zombie humor here!
Paranormal Super Bowl? You mean like zombie versus zombie? Or actual zombies versus people, apocalyptic style? How can that be funny? Try Zombie Turkeys!
Here you get zombie turkeys against football players! That’s just what you need for the Super Bowl! Your team losing today? Root for the zombie turkeys to appear!
Zombie Turkeys audiobook cover. Click to get!
This is the book read by professional voice actors, Phil Blechman
and Raven Perez.

Don’t miss your free audio sample at the link!
Next comes the kickoff!
The Real Paranormal Super Bowl – First Half
Who cares about football? Who wins among the five phoenixes when they pick the free book winners for this month? And I mean free and I mean books. Your choice of Zombie Turkeys or My Undead Mother-in-law in the format you adore paperback or ebook (.pdf, .epub, or .mobi aka Kindle).
Last month, my youngest phoenix Phoerensix picked the winner, Andrea, who got a free My Undead Mother-in-law. This month, my oldest Phoenix Scheherazade picked Anita! Anita, you’ll get an email asking you what you’d like.
I’ll cover the audiobook drawing in the 2nd half of the Paranormal Super Bowl!
Oh, and if you want to join this drawing or if you want more chances to win, just subscribe to Andy Zach’s comic paranormal animal newsletter right here. For more chance to win, get your friends to subscribe now and mention your name, either in a comment or in an email.
Now enjoy some . . .
Paranormal Super Bowl Commercials
And here’s a commercial for me, Andy Zach!
And another one:
Coming up next: the second half!
Paranormal Super Bowl – Second Half
I know some of you just zoomed down here to see if you won the free audiobook. Let me entertain you with this first:
The audiobook was picked by my second eldest phoenix, the mate of Scheherazade, Phenic Phox.
And the winner is:
Wendy! I’ll contact Wendy to get which book she’d like.
You can listen to the audiobook previews here for Zombie Turkeys
And here for My Undead Mother-in-law.
Here are past monthly winners. I removed the last names and emails for privacy. Contact me if you think you’ve won.
Date Won | Name | Book chosen |
2/28/2017 | Kathi | MUM |
4/1/2017 | neethu.ohm | |
5/9/2017 | Brenda | MUM |
2/4/2018 | Wendy | Audiobook |
7/6/2017 | Belinda | MUM |
8/2/2017 | Brandon | |
10/10/2017 | skaveh74 | |
11/6/2017 | Jannise | |
12/8/2017 | Andrea | |
1/1/2018 | Perry | |
11/22/2017 | Cheri | Audiobook |
11/22/2017 | Nancy | Audiobook |
11/22/2017 | Matthew | Audiobook |
2/4/2018 | Anita | |
11/22/2017 | Megan | Audiobook |
11/22/2017 | Kim | Audiobook |
11/22/2017 | Sharon | ARC Paranormal Patriots |
11/22/2017 | Crystal | Audiobook |
1/16/2018 | Christie | ZT ebook |
11/22/2017 | Bobbie | Audiobook |
11/22/2017 | Debra | Audiobook |
11/22/2017 | Denice | Audiobook |
11/22/2017 | Elaine | Audiobook |
11/22/2017 | Darlene | Audiobook |