Paranormal Animal Author Portrayed: Andy Zach
Perhaps you haven’t heard: Andy Zach, THE Paranormal Animal Author Portrayed by four different interviews. Here’s the first one, from August 4th:
The original interview is at the Working Title Blogspot. Check it out by clicking on this link.
The other interviews follow in reverse time order.
Paranormal Animal Author Portrayed: Part 2
Then there was this televised interview on WMBD Channel 31 in Peoria on August 1st.
These were in advance of my release of My Undead Mother-in-law on August 5th.

Paranormal Animal Author Portrayed: Part 3
Then there was this previous blog post:
This is from Mackenzie Flohr’s blog, click here to go directly. This was published July 30th.
Paranormal Animal Author Portrayed: Part 4
No interview would be complete without my original video interview with the Midley Beacon in 2016:
This interview, when published on the Midley Beacon, led that paper’s website in audience hits for over five minutes!
Paranormal Animal Author Portrayed: What’s Next?
I had a detailed online interview by Jessie Sanders on July 31st. Here’s a portion of her email, telling you when you can listen to it:
your episode of Jessie’s Coffee Shop has been scheduled for: Fri, August 25, 9pm et.
You can go here to listen to her podcast interviewing me, Andy Zach, by clicking here.
Finally, When Did Your Writing Habit Begin, Andy?
Way back in elementary school! In third and fourth grade, for English, we would write creative stories. I loved that! Later, in middle school (junior high, as it was called then) I wrote a humorous story about the Cleveland Indians winning the World Series. It was called, “The Rise in the Fall of the Cleveland Indians”.

Then in high school, I wrote another comedy, “Gasso: the Thing from the Fume Hood”. That was my first paranormal animal work.
In college, I took a class in satire. What a delight! I wrote a parody of Barbara Cartland, a romance author who was wildly popular.
Sadly, I put aside my writing for thirty-seven years as I worked as a programmer, systems analyst, project manager, and Six Sigma Black Belt. I wrote a lot: I wrote non-fiction training manuals and many Bible studies, and a complete harmony of the gospels. But no paranormal animal parodies–until now.
First, on October 31st, 2016 I published Zombie Turkeys:

Then, on August 5, 2017, I published My Undead Mother-in-law:

And that catches you up with my writing history! Until next time, this is Andy Zach, signing off!