New Zombie Turkeys Amazon Review
Amazing Amazon! A New Zombie Turkeys Amazon Review just appeared. Here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3RRVS80HM1XCZ/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B01LXPR63Z
But I don’t want you to have to click on the link. I’m proud to have this review of my book, Zombie Turkeys.

New Zombie Turkeys Amazon Review, Quoted
Here you have the review:

Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Zombie Turkeys: How an Unknown Blogger Fought Unkillable Turkeys (The Life After Life Chronicles Book 1) (Kindle Edition)
Zombie turkey takeover.
This was a really cute book about turkeys turning zombie due to an infection that initially started in wild turkeys and spread to turkey farms. Due to genetic mutations in these zombie turkeys, they become wildly aggressive and kill anything they can spur or peck to death. Trouble is they can’t be killed easily. They can grow back heads, limbs, etc. and the flocks keep growing and growing. This becomes a great story for a reporter named Sam of the Midley Beacon. He and his editor Lisa chase the growing flocks of zombie turkeys that are coming from Illinois farms to get stories on the havoc they are wrecking. Lots of people are killed and through trial and error people discover that fire and salt water can stave off these flocks of fury. But despite efforts to contain and kill these turkeys, the numbers keep growing until the national guard is called in to help exterminate this epidemic. The author crafted a pretty good story as to how the turkeys became infected and wove in a bit of romance here and there. All in all it was a good read but it didn’t tie up as nicely as one would hope at the end but that’s because there is a book two.
Go Here for the Sequel My Undead Mother-in-law
Here’s the book:

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