New November Reviews For You – SciFi and Fantasy – I just curated these for you. I’ll bet at least one of these books will appeal to you.
Here’s a review you’ll only find here, since the book is only on RoyalRoad.com, not Amazon or Goodreads.com. The good news is that the book is free!
Your August SciFi > In Enemy Hands
New November Reviews For You – Review #1

My Review 4 of 5 stars
Author 10 books
Five-year-old Nadia has Hobson’s choice: become a slave to malevolent Elven Mage Morvilind and have him heal her dying brother; or have her brother die and become orphaned as the only remaining member of her family.
Nadia saves her brother’s life and begins arduous training as a thief for the mage. He sends her to get magical and historic artifacts for his collection. Her failure would mean her brother dies, as well as herself.
Then comes the greatest challenge of all–stealing a magical tablet from a billionaire. What’s worse, there’s another mysterious agent prowling around as well. And he has no shadow.
New November Reviews For You – Review #2

S. Policar 4 of 5 stars
Author 24 books
On to the good stuff! If you’ve seen Poultrtgeist: Night of the Chicken Dead or Thankskilling and liked them, you’ll LOVE this. The sarcasm is there, the humor is dark and twisted, and our killer Tom Turkey wakes up every day feeling great and ready to see who he can kill in the state of Illinois with his massive flock of wild and domesticated zombie turkeys.
I loved this book. The end is a bit predictable given the fact that it’s a series, but it’s definitely the predictable you’d expect from something like this. I think this book would make a great low-budget movie like the two I mentioned earlier; and let’s be realistic, thanksgiving is a pretty much open holiday in the book and movie business.
I give this book 4 of 5 Paws and I look forward to reading the rest of this series.
New November Reviews For You – Review #3

Author 10 books
I enjoyed The Big Easy novella enough that I was disappointed when it ended. But on the other hand, it didn’t seem to have the same stakes and tension the other novels in the series had. So I rated it as an Average, three-star apocalyptic fantasy.
I consider RPG novels as fantasies since they involve magic.
My rating scale:
5 stars = best of the genre, still selling after 50 years.
4 stars = above average for the genre
3 stars = average for the genre
2 stars = below average for the genre
1 star = execrable, not worth reading.
Finally, Your Fourth Review #4
Secret Supers in Space: The further adventures of disabled teen superheroes
Kathi Clements
Andy Zack is my favorite author!
November 11, 2023
I met Andy Zack at ChambanaCon several years ago. I walked by his sales table looking for something to read in the hotel room. The title “Zombie Turkeys” caught my eye so I bought a copy. I read it and found him to be so interesting that I sought him out again and we talked about the setting of that book. He knew all the places that I knew and described them accurately. I then bought all his new books as they came out, and I am now one of his biggest fans! I hope he keeps writing because I brag about him to my friends and family, and I want to add to my Life After Life and Secret Supers collections! I’ll buy everything he ever writes!
Do you have any questions? Any books you want me to read and review? Let me know by clicking here.
And Speaking of Zombies and Superheroes…
I have some books for you. Some .99, some free. (Click here for those!)
Zombie Turkeys – click to laugh!

Then you have Zombie Detective
Where reporter Sam Melvin becomes an amateur detective specializing in zombies.

Next we have:
What happens when your mother-in-law becomes and unkillable zombie?

Up next is Paranormal Privateers Click to listen
The zombies are sent around the world by Presidential decree to fight US enemies.
After that, you’ve got Oops! Tales of the Zombie Turkey Apocalypse

Following my Life After Life Chronicles, we go to my disabled teen superhero series, we have two audiobooks.
Secret Supers is available in Audible for free if you subscribe or if you’re from the United Kingdom.

The next book in the series is Villain’s Vacation, the second of my three Secret Supers books.

Finally, my third book, Secret Supers in Space, just came out this year!
Click here to get an autographed copy now.
Click here to get an ebook or paperback from Amazon.
For all free audiobooks, click here to get them from me.