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Meet My Undead Mother-in-law My Gift for Advent 7

My Undead Mother-in-law back cover

Meet My Undead Mother-in-law as Your Gift! I’m giving you everything I have about this delightful, middle-aged, zombie woman with anger management issues. This is every excerpt I have on her throughout my eight-year career as a self-published author.

Here’s an info dump on Diane Newby, the undead mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law’s a zombie. And she has anger-management issues. My mother-in-law, Diane Newby, zombified by accident. She still volunteers at her church bake sales and cooks pot roast for her daughter and son-in-law, Ron Yardley. What ticks her off is when people don’t treat her like a normal human being—with glowing red eyes and super strength and speed. And if she doesn’t get her way, look out. She explodes and leaves broken plaster and body parts in her wake. Nothing stops her: not brick walls, the federal government, or middle-aged spread.

But the world’s most powerful criminal plans to control zombies. His only problem with zombies is that they have way too much free will. He has a solution for that. But will it work with Diane Newby? The world is divided into pro-zombie and anti-zombie factions. Battles break out everywhere. Which side will you take? Who will live and who will die? You might not survive this book. But at least you’ll die laughing.

Meet My Undead Mother-in-law My Gift – Your First Excerpt, Chapter 1, Read by Andy Zach

Meet My Undead Mother-in-law – Excerpt

This story begins with a happy family story of zombies who start their business sharing zombie blood. Zombie blood can cure just about anything. But then you turn into a zombie. Diane Newby, My Undead Mother-in-law, is the natural leader. You can read a tiny snippet from late in the story here. (I promise: no spoilers).

My Undead Mother-in-law chapter icon

She gasped for air as she hauled herself up on the transom dock, and she tasted gulf water. Salt water! Her zombie bacteria were dying!

As soon as she stood up, two zombie ninjas charged her, one with a katana and one with a naginata. And she was weaponless.

The lead one called to someone behind her, “Get her!”

Glancing behind her, Diane saw the two woman bodyguards she’d thrown in the water were coming up behind her. They didn’t have weapons, so she turned her back on the two killer women in front of her and charged the two behind her, slowly, painfully. From My Undead Mother-in-law.

Get Your Free My Undead Mother-in-law Book! Get It Now!

Andy Zach
Discover My Undead Mother-in-law

“OK, Andy. You’re always giving away free stuff. That’s why I came here. Now tell me why you’re giving away your valuable, newly published book, in this Free My Undead Mother-in-law Book promotion.”

“I’m so glad you asked,” I said. “You see, I need book reviews as much as I need book sales. The more I get, the better I sell on Amazon. So a book review is nearly as good as a book sale.”

Andy: dressy casual

“Great, Andy. How do I get a review copy?”

Simply email me at [email protected] Tell me you’ll review My Undead Mother-in-law, and I’ll send you a review copy.

Read The Most Recent Review of My Undead Mother-in-law


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Zombie corgi in Scotland from ‘My Undead Mother-in-law’

Shannon Skinner

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2024

Fun zombie read! I love paranormal and supernatural books so I was intrigued to read this series. I’ve listened to it on audible and the narrators are really fun and easy to listen to, I feel like they’re talking to actual people rather than reading a story. The storyline is funny and it has just gotten better with each book in the series.

Meet My Undead Mother-in-law – Audiobook Review for You

An action-packed adventure!

My Undead Mother-in-law Audiobook
Advent 3
Your Third Literary Gift My Undead Mother-in-law Chapter 2 icon

Overall    5 out of 5 stars

Performance    5 out of 5 stars

Story    5 out of 5 stars

Listener received this title free

This series is the first I have read of Andy Zach’s and I am not disappointed! This story has tons of action, well-written characters, and the zombies are not mindless slow shells. It’s a refreshing take on zombies as a whole. The plot moves at a good pace and the story arc continues to work well over the series. I look forward to book 3! Audio Version: Phil Blechman and Raven Perez do a great job with their respective characters and the overall narration.

What Do You Think of Your Advent 7 Gifts?

Rant and rave directly at me by clicking here, or by emailing [email protected].

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Discover My Undead Mother-in-law and other free audiobooks by clicking here.

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Advent 3

3 thoughts on “Meet My Undead Mother-in-law My Gift for Advent 7

  1. […] 7. Advent Day 7 –Meet My Undead Mother-in-law My Gift for Advent 7 […]

  2. […] 7. Advent Day 7 –Meet My Undead Mother-in-law My Gift for Advent 7 […]

  3. […] 7. Advent Day 7 –Meet My Undead Mother-in-law My Gift for Advent 7 […]

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