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Meet My Favorite Book I’ve Written

Meet My Favorite Book I’ve written. Which one is it? It’s my novel My Undead Mother-in-law. She’s Diane Newby. I’ll let her son-in-law Ron Yardly introduce her. Read the excerpt below. My book is .99 from October 6th until October 13th. Get your copy by clicking here.

Your Free Excerpt Is Here

My Undead Mother-in-law Chapter 1 Icon
Meet My Undead Mother-in-law
My Undead Mother-in-law Chapter 1 Icon

As we pulled up in Karen’s parents’ drive, I was reassured by the sheer normality of their three-bedroom suburban home: green yard partially covered with snow, evergreen bushes, two-car garage. There was no sign zombies lived there. Of course, what sign could I expect? A skull and crossbones and Beware of Zombies? Perhaps a biohazard sign?

Diane greeted us at the door. “Hello, my love!” She hugged Karen.

Karen barely flinched as she looked into her mother’s bright-red eyes. But she grunted “Ugh!” at the force of her embrace.

“Ease up, Mom.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Hello, Mom,” I said as I hugged her as hard I as could.

She hugged me back twice as hard.

“Ugh,” I grunted too.

Diane still had blond-highlighted brown hair, as she did when I first met her. She’d gained a pound or two though. She smelled of the body talc White Linen. I recognized it because Karen and I bought it for her birthday last year, pre-zombie. And she still wore her cat-eye reading glasses on a chain around her neck.

My Undead Mother-in-law.

Meet My Favorite Book, Part 2

Happy Mother's Day
Meet My Undead Mother-in-law
Diane Newby, in her natural environment.

Diane seated us on the living room sofa. “Supper’s on. I have a nice pot roast for us tonight. Donnie and Maggie should be here soon. George!” she called. “The kids are here!”

A heavy tread down the stairs announced George Newby. His eyes shone red too, but while Diane was built like a middle-aged woman, George was a classic wide-body. His shoulders filled the stairway. You’d think he was a truck driver or a lineman rather than an accountant.

“Hi, Karen. Hi, Ron,” he rumbled. He hugged his daughter, as if he held a baby bird, and shook my hand without hurting me in his bratwurst fingers. His bright-red eyes looked squarely into mine.

“I’m so glad you made the trip. You can help us put to rest the ugly rumors that people with zombiism aren’t human. It’s just a disease. It’s not even harmful,” Diane enthused as she sat across from us. George sat next to her in a brown leather recliner.

“Mom, we love you. You don’t have to convince us,” I said.

“Of course not. I know that. It’s just that we’ve had people talking behind our backs at church and the public health officials trying to pressure us to get the treatment to eliminate the disease.”

“Don’t you want to get rid of it? I think the antibiotics for it are safe and effective.”

“You’d think so, but we actually have never felt better in our lives! I have more energy than ever, and so does George—right, George?”


“My arthritic aches and pains have completely disappeared, and George’s old football knee injury is all better too.”

My Undead Mother-in-law.

Meet My Favorite Book and the Villain, Vik Staskas

Vik Staskas absently stroked his long glossy-black hair as he skimmed through the day’s news on his wall-mounted monitor from his five-hundred-foot superyacht. He noted the surge in zombie cures and sought to tap into the money. He hired operatives to infiltrate the Midley Beacon and SPEwZ Inc., the business arm of the famous charitable zombie organization. The possibility of failure didn’t occur to him. He succeeded in everything he tried: a street thief as an orphan in Belgrade; a college student in Paris, where he got his PhD in robotics; and taking over European organized crime without the nominal bosses knowing he existed. He was ready to take over the US.

He developed remote-controlled cyborg animals and insects. He used them to spy, to infiltrate, to conquer, to steal, to kill. They were unstoppable. He planned his first hijacking of a zombie blood air shipment from Gary, Indiana. He could think of several practical uses for cyborg-controlled zombies in his crime empire. As they were, zombies had too much free will for his taste. He chuckled. Even zombies didn’t stand a chance against him.

My Undead Mother-in-law.

Readers Speak About Meeting My Favorite Book

Not your standard zombie tale

My Undead Mother-in-law icon chapter 8
Meet My Undead Mother-in-law
My Undead Mother-in-law icon chapter 8

144 reviews 3 followers September 15, 2024

My Undead Mother-in-law was a hilarious and surprisingly heartwarming twist on the zombie genre. The idea of a zombified mother-in-law with anger management issues is pure comedic gold, and Zach delivers plenty of laugh-out-loud moments.

While the premise is absurd, the story also explores deeper themes of family, acceptance, and finding humor in the most unexpected situations. The characters are quirky and endearing, and their interactions with the undead Diane are both hilarious and touching.

Overall, My Undead Mother-in-law is a fun and lighthearted read that offers a refreshing take on the zombie apocalypse. If you’re looking for a laugh and don’t mind a bit of absurdity, this book is worth checking out.


Best August Videos
Meet My Undead Mother-in-law
Zombie corgi in Scotland from ‘My Undead Mother-in-law’

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2024

Fun zombie read! I love paranormal and supernatural books so I was intrigued to read this series. I’ve listened to it on audible and the narrators are really fun and easy to listen to, I feel like they’re talking to actual people rather than reading a story. The storyline is funny and it has just gotten better with each book in the series.

Shannon Skinner

Meet My Favorite Book – Click Below to Get Your Copy!

SciFi Story Fuel My Undead Mother-in-law
Meet  My Undead Mother-in-law
My Undead Mother-in-law cover. Click to get yours.

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