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Juicy Details from Paranormal Privateers – What’s It Like?

Quizzes, Questions

Juicy Details! How do I begin Paranormal Privateers?  With the hook!

Here is my actual first line hook and the rest of the first paragraph:

Dirac sighed with relief when the US flag came down and the surrender flag went up on the mast of the titanic luxury yacht. He didn’t mind firing rounds from his AK-47 over their heads, but he hated killing people. He knew they were only infidels, but they were still people.

The reader learns: 1) a US yacht is surrendering; 2) the pirate’s name is Dirac; 3) He’s ready to use his AK-47 on them; 4) The pirate considers the US citizens infidels.

More questions leap to mind immediately. Don’t you want to read the next paragraph? This whole scene is here: Imagine You’re a Privateer:

So I wrote the whole chapter pretty quickly. It’s a lot like performing magic: you lead the reader to expect one thing and then you make the opposite happen. I begin with the readers learning about zombie invincibility–and then put them in a seemingly impossible situation to escape.

Sometimes I lead you to expect a big fight and then all the villains escape. Sometimes I lead the reader to expect another adventure just like the last one–and have the heroes rescued by someone else.

Then just as you think you have the pattern of the chapter adventures established, I change all the rules of the game and add completely new and different villains.

Oh, I love writing!

By the way, the book is on sale for 60% off right here! Don’t delay–the sale is only until August 11th. Click now!

More Juicy New Details from Paranormal Privateers

It’s not all lollipops and roses. Aside from the light-hearted chapters about the Somali pirates, I have a worldwide epidemic–affecting zombies only.

Heck, let me give you the table of contents. And the chapter icons.

About Paranormal Privateers
Chapter 2 icon

Acknowledgments. 5

Foreword. 7

About Paranormal Privateers
Chapter 3 icon

Chapter 1 – Somalia. 10 (See above for icon)

Chapter 2 – Haradhere … 25

Chapter 3 – Crimea. 37

Chapter 4 icon
Chapter 4 icon

Chapter 4 – Midley ………… 60

Chapter 5 – London … 73

Chapter 6 icon
Chapter 6 icon

Chapter 6 – Tumen River ………… 100

Chapter 7 icon
Chapter 7 icon

Chapter 7 – Myonggan … 131

Chapter 8 icon
Chapter 8 icon

Chapter 8 – Kimch’aek … 160

Advent Day 19
Chapter 9 icon of Paranormal Privateers

Chapter 9 – Washington DC. 193

Chapter 10 icon
Chapter 10 icon

Chapter 10 – Gary ………… 220

Your Fourth Literary Gift
Chapter 11 icon
Juicy Details
Chapter icon for Chapter 11.

Chapter 11 – Gulf of Mexico … 228

Chapter 12 icon Juicy Details
Chapter 12 icon

Chapter 12 – Earth Orbit   ………… 244

Chapter 13 – Area 52 ………… 264

Chapter 13 icon 
Juicy Details
Chapter 13 icon

Meet My Aliens
Juicy Details
Chapter 14 icon
A foxcat listens to the radio
Chap 14 icon
Chapter 15
Juicy Details
Chapter 15

Chapter 14 – Peoria … 279

Chapter 15 – International Space Station ………… 290

Writing Paranormal Privateers First Draft
Juicy Details
Chapter 16 icon
Chapter 16 icon – London – Click to find out what happens!

Chapter 16 – London ………… 301

Chapter 17 icon
Chapter 17 icon

Chapter 17 – Westminster ………… 319

Juicy Details
Epilogue icon
Epilogue icon

Epilogue     329


Why Chapter Icons? Juicy Details

First of all, I like them. I had my artist give hints to each chapter in them. So they’re like an Easter Egg within the book.

Second of all, I paid for them. They were part of my illustration contract. So I might as well share them in this blog post.

Thirdly, I’ve never shared some of them before. So they’re part of my juicy details for you in this post.

More to come!

Cool and Juicy Details

Quizzes, Questions
Try out my audiobook.

Here’s some news about my audiobook version of Paranormal Privateers: Did you know you can get a free sample Paranormal Privateers,  by clicking here?

And you can get a free code from me by clicking here?

Finally, you can get an autographed copy of the book from me, with free shipping, at less than Amazon, by clicking here.

Now some science fiction story fuel in the following article:

Finally, a Cool Martian Video


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