Interesting Links for Shut-Ins is my effort to help lift spirits during the pandemic. You may not have toilet paper, but at least you can laugh or learn something new.
Your first link comes next.
Okay, here’s a fun contest: the first one to guess how many pennies it takes to fill up the Milky Way Galaxy gets all five of my books in any format. Just show your computations here.
Your First Interesting Video
I just finished reading the Lord of the Rings aloud to my daughter. I found this great Youtube channel with in-depth analyses of the books. You’ll surely find it interesting.
What is your favorite Lord of the Rings character? Let me know and get an ebook from me, your choice.

And the first book in my new series:

More Interesting Links for You
I love seeing rapid technological progress, especially as it fulfills old science fiction tropes. What about you? Do you like robots or fantasy more?
Regardless, I’ve got 36 free ebooks for you. Click now or forever hold your peace. This offer expires on April 1st at 12 AM PDT.

Now Enjoy This Encouraging Video
Laugh at This New Short Story – The Last of Interesting Links
This story, ‘The Butterfly Effect” comes from my collection, ‘Oops! Tales From the Zombie Turkey Apocalypse’. I’ve never shared it on my blog before.

Here’s the most recent review of the book:
What do zuccini, phoenix genetics, and superpowered kids have in commom?
As I expected, story time at Andy’s house must include a recorder to grasp the many directions and characters he develops in each book. This set of several stories are exciting in a novel manner of disbelief overlaid with a tinge of possibility. How many people have tasted a hummingbird zombie zuccini, a superpowered set of disabled kids with a intelligent hamster as co-partner, a phoenix genetic research specialist, all these under one cover? Well, step right up and open page one! Each story includes an ideas from his zombie turkey series and as always a hint of something new to come!This was a free book and I am not connected to anyone involved. I laughed and soaked up the words wanting more.One person found this helpful
Here you have In A Pickle which I’ve shared before.

But now I’m sharing the next short story in Oops!, Butterfly Effect.

They’re both good. Let me know what you think. If you want to review my book, let me know and I’ll send you an ebook.