Get Your Ridiculous On with comic Zombie Turkeys!
“Don’t ridicle me!” That was one of the cute sayings my mother-in-law taught our children. She said that when she grew up in the 30s. (Note: she is NOT My Undead Mother-in-law. In the spirit of Wikipedia, this is called disambiguation) Naturally, I would later grow up to be a comic zombie author who’d write posts like “Get Your Ridiculous On with comic Zombie Turkeys”.
Where shall we begin? First, with a picture of my kids, from twenty-one years ago:

Where shall I begin the silliness? How about . . .
Bruce Lee Fighting With Lightsabers: Get Your Ridiculous On!
What can top this? How about the next article?
Audiobook Reader Goes Over the Top: Get Your Ridiculous On!
For a little break from silliness, let’s consider flying cars. They’re in my next novel, Paranormal Privateers, now under construction.
But that’s not all! Look out for these flying feathered delights!
Flying Feathered Delights Video!
But wait! There’s more!
Segueing to other silliness . . .
You’d think Zombie Turkeys,

and My Undead Mother-in-law would be expensive. How many comic paranormal animal books have you ever seen?
But no, they’re quite low cost. If you’re destitute and can’t afford anything you can get them for free!
Oh? You want to know how?
Naturally! You want to get in on the free books! And I want to give them away, like the one pictured above!
So much so, I’m giving away not one, but two books a month!
Get Your Ridiculous On! Get Free Books!
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That’s it for now! Andy Zach signing off!