First, why should you care about the Zombie Turkeys free newsletters, resources, gifts?
The free newsletter gives you the opportunity to get freebies. I use the email list to randomly select who wins the free books, like Zombie Turkeys. (Quick, click here to sign up!)

Free Resources? What Do you Mean?
You may not know, but has a Resources page. And on the resource page is a section for Self Publishing. writing tips. I found these to be the best resources while writing and publishing Zombie Turkeys.
Recently, I’ve added Weglot, a blog translating service. I’ve added Blogging links now to Resources.
I’ve also added Book Launch’s article by Tim Grahl about The Truth About the NY Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists. That article has a lot of interesting information and Tim just updated it.
Then there’s this new link on Being Honest About Time Management. Being an entrepreneur and author, this is essential.
I’ve also added this link to a writing tip called How A Scene List Can Change Your Novel-Writing Life. I can hardly wait to apply this to my Zombie Turkeys sequel, My Undead Mother-in-law. I’m just about done with the first draft.
There’s this new fantasy novella The Heart of the Mountain, a novella by one of my fellow authors on Facebook.
In the category of Facebook education you can learn How to Play a Recorded video into Facebook Live.
Then there’s this new event, October 2017, is Zombie Awareness Month in Illinois. I’ll certainly promote my comical zombie parody, “The Life After Life Chronicles”, including Zombie Turkeys and My Undead Mother-in-law.
Speaking of promotion, I’ve used CoPromote to read nearly four million people! If you have a book, music, or cause, it could really help you!
Free Newsletters, Resources, Gifts – Let’s Talk Gifts
I’ve been offering a free book to all newsletter subscribers (CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE) from February 12, Lincoln’s birthday

to President’s day February 20th, through Washington’s birthday, February 22nd.

right up to today, when the winner will be selected.
But I’ll keep drawing random subscribers EVERY MONTH to give them a gift of their choice!
Finally, What Do You Mean “Newsletters”?
“Andy,” you say, “you only have offered the Zombie Turkey newsletter. Why are you using the plural form?”
Good question. A little know fact is that with the Zombie Turkeys newsletter you also get other newsletters and free books. I belong to
Newsletter Swap, where me and my fellow authors promote each other’s newsletters and give free books.
Finally, subscribe and enjoy!