Get Your Comic Fantasy Books Signed By Author Andy Zach
You can attend this book signing and Get Your Comic Fantasy Books Signed by the foremost comic paranormal animal author, me, Andy Zach.
Which Comic Fantasy Books Signed?
You might know this one:

If you don’t, read the latest review from Amazon:
Have you ever seen Thankskilling? If you haven’t yet, don’t, it’s absolutely terrible. It attempted to meld the concept of horror films with turkeys with a smidge of humor as the glue, but let’s just say it failed miserably (honestly, no audience could possibly gobble that up). Fortunately, being no stranger to reanimating corpses, Andy Zach succeeded in that department. Zach’s Zombie Turkeys (yes seriously…sort of) was a lot of fun and involved, you guessed it, the zombie apocalypse…but with turkeys.
Zombie Turkeys follows a myriad of distraught survivors as they’re faced with the unthinkable. Sam and Lisa battle their way across a corpse infested Illinois. The fun part about the book comes from the absolute absurdity of it all, and the fact that the turkey (our patient zero in the flesh, light or dark meat your choice) gets his own perspective chapters that added a uniqueness to the classic trope. All around a fun romp through a near future where turkeys get their just revenge and survivors serve up some rotted carcasses with a healthy dose of stuffing!
There’s also this next book:
Next Comic Fantasy Books Signed:

With this typical review:
September 20, 2017
When’s the Next Comic Fantasy Book?
Paranormal Privateers launches May 5th at I Know You Like A Book bookstore in Peoria Hts. The book’ll go on sale worldwide then. Don’t miss it! Here’s a sneak preview of the back cover:
But there’s more next!
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