Get Your Advance Copy of Paranormal Privateers Now
You read that right. You can get your advance reader copy (ARC) of Paranormal Privateers Now. I finished my edits on Paranormal Privateers. You can get your advance copy now. To show you I mean business, here’s an advance copy of the back cover:

Here’s How: Get Your ARC Paranormal Privateers Now
It’s as simple as One, Two, Three!
First, subscribe to the Andy Zach newsletter, if you haven’t already. Go here.
Second, contact me, Andy Zach right here. Or, if something goes wrong, you can email me at [email protected]
Third, when you contact me, just ask for your ARC copy with your email address, and I’ll send it.
Andy Zach, Where Were You?
No blog posts for a month. No newsletter since February 9th. (If you want the last newsletter or any from the past, just ask in the comments, or right here.
What have I been doing? Editing Paranormal Privateers, the very ARC copy I’ll send to you, and I sent to my editor, Dori Harrell of Breakout Editing.
Since I love statistics, here are some on my editing process:
- I researched and and outlined Paranormal Privateers last summer, August through October.
- Then I wrote the first draft in 127 hours. That’s 97,676 words written from November 1 to January 31st.
- Finally, I edited for 140 hours producing the 2nd draft from Feb 2nd to March 2nd.
Is That All You’ve Done Andy?
Not exactly. Hop over to my Facebook page and you’ll see my posts like this:
And this:
And finally this:
Then I also updated my Zombie Turkeys page with this next post and more:
Not to mention this next post:
And then this one:
Finally (I really mean it this time) Don’t Miss These Dates!
First, May 5, Paranormal Privateers worldwide launch date! Look for my launch party on Facebook!
Second, April 15th. Instead of depression over the US tax days, let’s have the Paranormal Privateers cover reveal!
And then there’ll be author appearances To Be Announced!

[…] I said in my previous blog post, I’ve been busy editing and writing my third novel, Paranormal Privateers. That […]