Discover My Undead Mother-in-law in this post! I’m giving you everything I have about this delightful, middle-aged, zombie woman with anger managment issues. This is every post I have on her through my seven year career as a self-published author.
And, you can get my ebook for just .99! Click here now!
Here’s the info dump on Diane Newby, the undead mother-in-law. In time order:
New Book My Undead Mother-in-law Coming in July

If you hurry, you can still read the first book in the series, Zombie Turkeys before it comes out. Click on the next image to get it.
From May 24, 2017
But Wait! There’s More News on Andy’s New Book!
You know about my YouTube channel, with me reading Zombie Turkeys excerpts and the Midley Beacon interviewing me. If you don’t, check it out in this next link:
And if you haven’t yet, then you’d better subscribe to my YouTube channel now! A new series of videos are coming, with new excerpts, from Zombie Turkeys and My Undead Mother-in-law. You don’t want to miss it!
Free Book Drawing Winners & My Undead Mother-in-law

Here’s the news the newsletter subscribers want to hear: the Free Book Drawing Winners. If you’re not a subscriber, click here to add your email address and you’ll be in next month’s drawing.
(from June 1, 2017)
Free My Undead Mother-in-law Book! Get It Now!

“OK, Andy. You’re always giving away free stuff. That’s why I came here. Now tell me why you’re giving away your valuable, newly published book, in this Free My Undead Mother-in-law Book promotion.”
“I’m so glad you asked,” I said. “You see, I need book reviews as much as I need book sales. The more I get, the better I sell on Amazon. So a book review is nearly as good as a book sale.”
Andy: dressy casual
From July 21, 2017
Read The First Review of My Undead Mother-in-law

Although My Undead Mother-in-law just launched August 5th, the First Review of My Undead Mother-in-law appeared on Goodreads and Book Pleasures. Written by Dr. Wesley Britton, who also reviewed Zombie Turkeys last January, he accurately describes the nature of the book.
From August 14, 2017
Get the first My Undead Mother-in-law discount now!
I’m so excited! For the very first time I’m offering a 67% discount on the Kindle version of My Undead Mother-in-law. You must get this first My Undead Mother-in-law discount now. Simply click on the book cover image below!
From December 14, 2017 The Same Discount applies now for Discover My Undead Mother-in-law promotion.
Happy Mother’s Day from My Undead Mother-in-law!
Diane Newby, the Undead Mother-in-law, wishes all mothers and mothers-in-law a happy Mother’s Day!
To celebrate Mother’s Day, Andy Zach, the ostensible writer of this blog (when his characters don’t take over), is offering Diane Newby’s book, My Undead Mother-in-law, for 33% off its normal Kindle price.
From May 11, 2018
My Undead Mother-in-law Audiobook Reviews for You

My Undead Mother-in-law Audiobook reviews for you, my dear reader and audiobook listener. I’m Andy Zach, your manic, but friendly, comic paranormal animal and human author.
Here are all my reviews so far on Audible. You’re free to add yours!
Click any of my links to go to the My Undead Mother-in-law Audiobook page to listen to a free sample.
Or, you can email me your review at [email protected] or leave a comment or send me a message.
Meet My Undead Mother-in-law This Mother’s Day!
Meet My Undead Mother-in-law! Did you know, Diane Newby, the undead mother-in-law, has two children?
My mother-in-law, Diane Newby, zombified by accident. She still volunteers at her church bake sales and cooks pot roast for her daughter and son-in-law, Ron Yardley. What ticks her off is when people don’t treat her like a normal human being—with glowing red eyes and super strength and speed. And if she doesn’t get her own way, look out. She explodes and leaves broken plaster and body parts in her wake. Nothing stops her: not brick walls, the federal government, or middle-aged spread.
From this year, 5/5/2023
What Do you Think?
Rant and rave directly at me by clicking here, or by emailing [email protected].
Get your autographed copy of My Undead Mother-in-law by clicking here.
Discover My Undead Mother-in-law and other free audiobooks by clicking here.
Don’t forget your .99 ebook copy, until October 29th, 2023! Click here.