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Writer’s Block My Experience – This is why I don’t write more

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Writer’s Block My Experience: I’ve written eight books in seven years. It doesn’t sound like I have writer’s block–but I do.

I’ve been struggling to finish Secret Supers in Space for seven months. That’s the first draft—just 50,000 to 60,000 words. Usually, I get that much done in two to four months.

What’s my big problem?

Writer’s Block My Experience – What Is Writer’s Block?

It means you can’t or have difficulty writing. Duh!

A more official definition is:

Writer’s block—wanting to write and not writing—is a persistent problem that every writer (yes, every writer, even Stephen King) deals with, and one that has ended far too many writing careers.

The first thing I saw in my search

The last book I wrote in this series was Villain’s Vacation:

Writer's Block My Experience
Chapter icon from Villain’s Vacation

I got off to a flying start in November, writing for NaNoWriMo, the official National Novel Writing Month organization.

Here’s a chart of my monthly writing, so you can see what my writer’s block looks like:

MonthWords Written
May (so far)0
Chart of my writing ‘progress’

Total? 6129 words in 42 hours of writing for 142 words per hour.

Pretty pathetic for a professional author, but I have an excuse: I was finishing two other books: 1) Zombie Detective audiobook (now published)

Andy Zach Newsletter Zombie Detective Audiobook
Writer's Block My Experience
Audiobook cover – click to listen.

and 2) my first non-fiction book, The Gospel Medley. Believe it or not, this is at least the 20th round of edits for this book, over the 35 years I’ve worked on it.

The Gospel Medley
Writer's Block My Experience
The Gospel Medley cover. Click to get

So that takes care of December through March. I can’t multi-task. What’s my problem in April and May?

Writer’s Block – the problem of self-publishing

I get easily distracted while writing. First of all, there is research. I’ll write and then need some fact, like “Where are there underground nuclear silos in Kansas?” This question arose for My Undead Mother-in-law.

The same thing happens for Secret Supers in Space. What does the ISS look like? What is the capacity of the Dragon capsule for SpaceX? Where does SpaceX launch from? What is the curriculum for Space Camp? What is the daily agenda?

But that’s not all.

More Distractions

Every publisher and author needs to market your book. That doesn’t mean selling, although that’s what you want to happen. Rather it means telling people who might like your book that your book exists and is worth reading and WHY it’s worth reading.

This is a very important thing to do. You, as an author or publisher should do it every week, if not every day. If people don’t know about your book, they can’t buy it. If people don’t know how much they will enjoy and laugh at my books, why should they buy them?

So I joined Story Origin this year to market my books. That’s absorbed my time, every week, as I promoted my newsletter, books, and other newsletters and books.

I also have maintained Amazon ads, although I’ve cut my expense from $300/month to $50. I found a better way to advertise: through Free Kindle and Discount Books.

The Bottom Line – What Should I Do?

Give me your best and worst suggestions. Everyone who does so will get a free ebook of mine to read and review. Reach out to me any time at my email: [email protected] Or subscribe to my newsletter for all my blog posts and news, as well as free books.

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What Is Novel Writing Like? My Experience

What is novel Writing Like

What is Novel Writing Like? Since I’ve written seven of them and I’m busy writing an eighth, it’s high time for me to share my experience with you.

In case you’ve forgotten, here are four of my novels:

Life After Life Chronicles March Fourth
What Is Novel Writing Like
Enjoy all four novels in audiobook, paperback, or Kindle format! Click to get yours.

But the one I’m working on is the third one in my disabled superhero series:

What Is Novel Writing Like
Secret Supers cover. Click to get.
Villain's Vacation cover What Is Novel Writing Like
Villain’s Vacation cover. Click to get.

Villain’s Vacation ended on July 4th at a coaster park. What could I possibly do for a third novel? Go to summer camp. But what would make it more interesting? Make it a space camp. The Space Camp.

You’ve never heard of Space Camp? Watch the video.

That’s my first step for any novel. Have a premise, a theme. Here are three examples:

Zombie turkeys: the book writes itself.

My Undead Mother-in-law: what’s it like to have zombies in your family.

Paranormal Privateers: Zombie pirates.

What Is Novel Writing Like? My next step to writing a novel.

My next step is from many years ago: high school English 101: write an outline.

Here’s my outline format. I do this in Excel.

Secret Supers in Space outline
What Is Novel Writing Like
Secret Supers in Space outline

I plan out the whole novel, scene by scene. I’m pretty comfortable starting any book. I always introduce my characters. I don’t assume anyone knows anything. My goal is to make any novel readable without the previous novels.

Here’s the opening page:

“What are you doing, Jeremy?”

Startled, Jeremy looked up from his computer. His best friend, Dan Elanga, had slipped silently into their clubhouse, his laboratory, and office, in the basement of his home. His round, brown face smiled from behind him. Dan’s tall, wide frame formed a wall behind Jeremy’s chair. His dark glasses hid his blind eyes.

“I didn’t hear you come down the elevator.”

“I took the stairs. Your mom made cookies, so I came over. I could smell them from my house.”

“You mean, you could smell them from my mom’s thoughts?”

Secret Supers in Space, by Andy Zach

First Page Continued

“What are you doing, Jeremy?”

Startled, Jeremy looked up from his computer. His best friend, Dan Elanga, had slipped silently into their clubhouse, his laboratory, and office, in the basement of his home. His round, brown face smiled from behind him. Dan’s tall, wide frame formed a wall behind Jeremy’s chair. His dark glasses hid his blind eyes.

“I didn’t hear you come down the elevator.”

“I took the stairs. Your mom made cookies, so I came over. I could smell them from my house.”

“You mean, you could smell them from my mom’s thoughts?”

And your’s and your dad’s. You were all excited, so I couldn’t help myself from taking a sniff from your mom’s nose. I didn’t snoop any farther than that.”

“I know you respect everyone’s privacy with your mindreading power.”

“Except maybe yours. You did give me permission to read you anytime. But I haven’t read your mind about what you’re concentrating on. C’mon, tell your old friend Dan.”

“Don’t tell anyone. This is a secret. I want to surprise the Secret Supers.”

“Of course not. Now I’m dying to know!”

“I’m applying to Space Camp.”

“What’s Space Camp? I can hear the capital letters in your voice.”

“What’s Space Camp? It’s the greatest camp there is! We’re all bored out of our minds this August and we want to do something. Space Camp teaches you all about our space program. You learn about astronauts and rockets. You go on a centrifuge, and experience zero-G and moon gravity.

Secret Supers in Space, by Andy Zach

“I’ve got an outline; now what’s next?”

Jeremy Gentle
What Is Novel Writing Like
Jeremy, seventh-grade superhero

The first scene, the first page is most important. You must capture the reader’s interest or go home. I assumed most people didn’t know about space camp, so they’d be curious about it.

I also revealed the Secret Supers’ powers in the first chapter. That’s always fun. In case you don’t know:

  • Jeremy Erickson – Telekenesis
  • Dan Elanga – Mind reading
  • Kayla Verdera – Thought and sensory projection into other minds
  • Aubrey Wilcosky – Super Strength

What do I do next?

Write each scene. I try to get as clear of a picture of it as possible. That includes:

  • Location
  • Characters
  • Point of view character
  • Desired effect upon reader

The last is most important. You need a reason for the scene and something you’re going to accomplish. Try to always reveal more about the characters and more about the plot and the conflict. Increase tension and excitement.

You need this clarity so you can concentrate on the important features of the scene.

But there’s more.

What Is Novel Writing Like? What My Biggest Distraction?

First, try to guess. Let me know your guess and win a free ebook from me. Click here to give feedback.

My biggest distraction is also an essential part of the process.

It’s research. I don’t know everything I need to know. I knew very little about space camp. Before I could write, I had to learn a lot. I know more now. And as you learn, you must research more.

I learned about SpaceX, NASA, Cape Canaveral, and details about the ISS, the International Space Station.

Part of my research

We’re Not Done! Look out, Villains Ahead!

What is novel Writing Like
Jeremy is captured by a robot in Villain’s Vacation

I had so much fun creating and writing about my villains in Villain’s Vacation, I decided to use them again in Secret Supers in Space. They’re up to no good and they’re worse than ever.

To be notified when Secret Supers In Space comes out, subscribe to my newsletter by clicking here. Or you can follow me on Amazon.

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2022 Best Science Stories So Far – and Reviews

Writer's Block: My Experience

2022 Best Science Stories So Far. We’re only five weeks into 2022 and here are some great science stories. Plus, I’ve been piling up reviews I want to share with you.

Let’s begin now!

2022 Best Science Stories – Military SciFi

The first military scifi story with automatic aiming was by Heinlein. He used it on a battleship with all of its cannons and guns controlled by computer.

Speaking of Heinlein, here’s a review of his book, Starship Troopers:

Starship Troopers

2022 Best Science Stories
Click to get

…Thinking he was safer if he moved out of Los Angeles (because at the time it was considered a nuclear target), he moves to Colorado only to find out years later that the military had built NORAD only 7 miles from his home.

So angered by the events around him, he wrote his most controversial novel to date: ‘Starship Troopers’.  Heinlein was very concerned the US would not survive the Cold War and pens the story as an ode to the military. It was based on the premise that citizenship should be earned and that “freedom is founded on each individual taking responsibility for something greater than himself.” Critics argued that the novel glorified military conflict.

In ‘Starship Troopers,’ Heinlein’s military fought the aliens wearing power suits with high tech robotic exoskeletons that granted humans extraordinary strength and ability. Although it was just fantasy when Heinlein wrote about it, the US military is actually developing a version of Heinlein’s suit.  Using robotic and Nano technology, they are working on a suit that will allow the soldier to be a “superman” on the battlefield.

‘Prophets Of Science Fiction: Robert Heinlein’

Let me know if you’ve read Starship Troopers and what you thought of it. Click here and I’ll give you a free book.

Your Next Science Story

Yup, you read that right. The US Air Force has developed a computer which is a pilot’s assistant.

Where did I hear of that before?

Another SciFi Review

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Short stories to keep you looking for zombies!

Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2022

I started by reading this author’s book about the Turkey Apocalypse. I had so much fun (yes, fun, even though the turkeys were out killing everyone and thing in their path!) Then I read about the Undead Mother in law. Even better! Each book gets more accomplished than the next.

This one was a surprise! I thought I had purchased the same book twice (I’ve been known to do that!) However, this is just a group of short stories that are prequels or sequels to the others that fill in some questions I didn’t know I had or start me on a new train of thought. Fun to read! Just make sure you check all wildlife around you for metal caps before you settle in! They’re watching you!


More Science Stories Coming Up Next

Regrowing limbs has long been a scifi staple. Looks like we’re making progress!

Then there’s my next science fiction novel, I’m still writing: Secret Supers in Space. I found this article researching Space Camp.

It will be the third novel in my Secret Supers series. Here’s the first:

Jeremy Gentle fell flat on his face at therapy. That was normal since he had cerebral palsy. But his new superpower wasn’t normal. Then, things got weirder when his best friend Dan Elanga got a different superpower. But Dan was still blind. 

Kayla Verdera and Aubrey Wilcosky, two girls in their middle-school special ed class, discovered they too had new superpowers. Kayla was mute and needed a walker. Aubrey lost two legs and used crutches. But they were as powerful as the boys. What should the four friends do? 

Jeremy knew if the word got out, it’d be a media circus. Then, they started fighting crime as the Secret Supers. Who knew a disability could be a perfect disguise? No one would ever think of disabled kids as superheroes. But they ran into problems they never expected.

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