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Epic Fantasy Fun! I Just Began Writing One

Andy Zach Fans

Epic Fantasy Fun! I Just Began Writing One yesterday. Boy, did that feel good, to finally get started. I wrote my first scene, 700+ words.

So what’s it all about?

Do you know who Dionne Warwick is?

If you know Dionne Warwick, let me know and I’ll give you a free book.

Epic Fantasy Fun – The Premise

I have working title for my next book. It may or not stick. If you got a better one and I use it, I’ll give you any book of mine, any format. Send your suggestions here or to [email protected].

My working title is: Magic Arrives. My premise is simple: our Earth, in 2023, becomes magical. I’ve worked out most of the rules for my magic system, but I won’t tell anyone, not even the readers of my book. I want the reader to discover how the magic works as the characters do.

Epic Fantasy Fun
Andy Zach Fans
Earthrise on the moon. Click the pic to get autographed books directly from me.

What kind of cover am I thinking of? Something like this:

I’ll have my artist add magical hints to make it more fantasy, so people know this book is in the fantasy genre.

Where do you think I get my fantasy ideas from? Take a look at my reviews below.

Epic Fantasy Fun – My Reviews

Epic Fun Fantasy

[ 5 of 5 stars ]
StatusJanuary 11, 2023 – Finished Reading
ReviewPatricia McKillip practices her craft of writing fantasy at the highest level in this atmospheric depiction of a city, Ombria, rocked by the death of its regent, Royce. The mysterious and manipulative Black Dominia immediately orders his mistress, Lydea, out on the streets, presumably to die. Lydea, a beautiful former tavern wench, makes her way across the dangerous city at night to her father’s tavern. A mysterious girl, Mag, helps her.

Mag, was raised by a sorceress, Faey, who stays in the shadows of Ombria, content to sell her spells to the highest bidders–including the Black Dominia.

Ms. McKillip introduces more colorful characters, without explaining the magic they contain at all. The complex political and magical mystery continues until the end when the mystery pops like a bubble.

This is a must read for any fan of fantasy with vivid characters. (less)

Check out this Fantasy Review

Epic Fantasy Fun

Bronze Rank Brewer (Hawkin’s Magic Beers #1)
Rating[ 4 of 5 stars ]
FormatKindle Edition
StatusJanuary 6, 2023 – Shelved as: rpg4
ReviewFirst time I’ve read a book by James Ghoul, and I’m looking forward to the second!

Bronze Rank Brewer is a very unconventional RPG-type novel, where the main character, Hawkin, decides to embark on a brewing quest. He doesn’t want to travel; he loves his woody wilderness. He is very sociable and friendly. He befriends both a hideous, deadly monster who becomes a friend and helper and also earns the loyalty of a rejected goblin. And a goddess.

The goddess is of astral planes, not of brewing. Somehow, she thinks Hawkin will become the greatest brewer ever, and the brewing god is upset. So he sends his most trustworthy brewer to find Hawkin and find out his secret.

You will enjoy this one.

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Cover Reveal for My New Book!

Cover Reveal for my new nook, Secret Supers in Space. This is it, friends. The cover is just below.

This is the third book in my Secret Supers series. You don’t have to read them in any particular order.

Cover Reveal
Interesting Links
Secret Supers – click for free audiobook.

Jeremy Gentle fell flat on his face at therapy. That was normal since he had cerebral palsy. But his new superpower wasn’t normal. Then, things got weirder when his best friend Dan Elanga got a different superpower. But Dan was still blind. 

Kayla Verdera and Aubrey Wilcosky, two girls in their middle-school special ed class, discovered they too had new superpowers. Kayla was mute and needed a walker. Aubrey lost two legs and used crutches. But they were as powerful as the boys. What should the four friends do? 

Get your autographed copy here!

Cover Reveal
Villain's Vacation cover
Villain’s Vacation cover Click to listen.

Four disabled seventh graders with superpowers take a vacation at Coaster World. They need a break from fighting criminals. Ever since the beginning of the school year when they acquired their unusual abilities, they’ve been training and using those powers to fight crime in their town.

Little do they know, the arch-villain they recently defeated also loves coasters and is vacationing at Coaster World. Worse, the villain wants revenge. Nothing less than turning these teens to a life of crime will satisfy.

Can Jeremy, Dan, Kayla, and Aubrey withstand the villain’s attacks? Or will they become Super Villains?

You can only find out by listening to Villain’s Vacation.

Get your autographed copy here!

Cover Reveal – The New Book

Cover Reveal
Secret Supers in Space

The Secret Supers are bored out of their minds during summer vacation–until they go to Space Camp. They learn all about the space program, try out moon gravity and zero-g simulations, and practice docking with the International Space Station.

But that’s the easy part. The villains they defeated in the past are back with a diabolical plot that renders the middle schoolers’ superpowers ineffective.

Jeremy, Aubrey, Dan, and Kayla face the biggest challenge of their lives. Even if they escape the villains’ clutches, will they survive?

Pre-order this book by clicking here.

So, what do you think? Love it? Or not? Let me know either way and I’ll give you a free book!

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You see, I give free books to my newsletter subscribers–including you.

My next newsletter goes our December 4th. That’s when I’ll offer this free coper

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Fun Videos From November

Fun Videos

Fun Videos From November – I love these videos! Which is your favorite? Tell me, and I’ll give you a book! Click here.

Or, you can join my newsletter and get my free newsletter, with the best videos I find each month and free audiobooks! Just click now. Here are some of my audiobooks:

Fun Videos
Life After Life Chronicles March Fourth
Enjoy all four novels in audiobook, paperback, or Kindle format!

And here’s your first fun video:

Robot Chicken and Emperor Palpatine Parody

No doubt I’m the last to discover Robot Chicken and its hilarious parody of ‘Star Wars’, but I laughed as hard as anyone. Did you know about this? Did you like it? As always, personal comments and emails get a free book. Click here.

Fun Videos – Your Second Video

Here you have another type of fun: fun history. You don’t believe there is such a thing? Take a look at these color photos from a hundred years ago and be amazed.

All the people in the photos are dead, yet they still seem alive and like people you can meet on the street.

What Is Your Third Fun Video?

Imagine life as a video game. Now imagine you’re playing it as any animal you wish. Which would you choose? If we narrow it down to playing a fish, which would you pick? This video looks at fish as characters in a video game. Who do you think is best? Give me an answer and I’ll give you a book, if you click here.

Fish as video game characters

Are You Not Entertained?

It’s hard to listen to this and not be enertained.

I love jazz! Did you know that?

I like jazz so much, I’ll give you another jazz video in a completely different style.

Fun Videos – Final Comments

Fun Videos
Preview of a tiny portion of my next book Secret Supers in Space

My book Secret Supers in Space is coming out December 9th! Join my newsletter and find out the final cover today! Click now to get the cover and much more! The newsletter also has videos just like these, plus free book offers from me and other authors.

You can also pre-order the book from Amazon. Click right here.