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New Year New Book from author Andy Zach

New Year, New Book

New Year New Book from Andy Zach

New Year New Book–“Wait!” you say. “What book is this?”

My next book is Secret Supers. It’s about four seventh graders with disabilities who acquire superpowers. They use their disabilities to hide their super identities and to fight crime. But it’s not easy, either being disabled or superpowered.

But that’s not all. I’m giving a free excerpt to my newsletter readers as of my next newsletter. Join here.

Newsletters subscribers also are automatically entered in my monthly drawing for a free book and a free audiobook.

New Year New Book – and news about the last book

My third novel, Paranormal Privateers is now available on audiobook!

New Year, New Book
Click to get your audiobook copy
Paranormal Privateers

If you don’t want to buy Paranormal Privateers from Audible, you can also get it from the iTunes store or from Amazon. Here are some reviews:

New Year New book
Zombie corgi butt, now in audiobook

Rudolph Wittmer

4.0 out of 5 stars

Different tilt on a zombie series

December 6, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition

I have read the whole series and enjoyed it. I did not find myself staying g up all night to finish or rushing home to read. That was probably a good thing as then If I had I’d of been cranky and over sleep for work. Never a pretty sight as I am not a morning person anyway. I liked the book for the unusual perspectives and storyline. If I spot about her book from this author O would definitely give it a try.

The next review is:

New Year New Book
Chapter 5 London chapter icon – what could it mean? Click and find out!

Ann Keeran

5.0 out of 5 stars

Undead Pirates?

May 7, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition

Super fun saga following the antics of the Paranormal Privateers. Laugh as they save the world. Who would have thought that the undead would be the saviors of the world? A not-so realistic view of the future of the world. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. If you like comedy, the paranormal or books about pirates, you will absolutely love Paranormal Privateers.

New Year New Book and News Next

So what’s new beyond the new book?

How about a spaceship? A stainless steel spaceship?  Why stainless steel? Isn’t that heavy? Read about Elon Musk’s answer.

Continuing my outer space theme (I am a science fiction author), here’s a list of fifty-five must read science fiction books. How many have you read? Comment below or send me an email and the highest number gets a free ebook.


Finally, I have another picture of the starship.

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Get Your Comic Fantasy Books Signed By Author Andy Zach

Writing Paranormal Privateer

Get Your Comic Fantasy Books Signed By Author Andy Zach

You can attend this book signing and Get Your Comic Fantasy Books Signed by the foremost comic paranormal animal author, me, Andy Zach.

Which Comic Fantasy Books Signed?

You might know this one:

Comic Fantasy Books Signed
Zombie Turkeys front cover. Click to get a copy!

If you don’t, read the latest review from Amazon:

on April 13, 2018

Have you ever seen Thankskilling? If you haven’t yet, don’t, it’s absolutely terrible. It attempted to meld the concept of horror films with turkeys with a smidge of humor as the glue, but let’s just say it failed miserably (honestly, no audience could possibly gobble that up). Fortunately, being no stranger to reanimating corpses, Andy Zach succeeded in that department. Zach’s Zombie Turkeys (yes seriously…sort of) was a lot of fun and involved, you guessed it, the zombie apocalypse…but with turkeys.

Zombie Turkeys follows a myriad of distraught survivors as they’re faced with the unthinkable. Sam and Lisa battle their way across a corpse infested Illinois. The fun part about the book comes from the absolute absurdity of it all, and the fact that the turkey (our patient zero in the flesh, light or dark meat your choice) gets his own perspective chapters that added a uniqueness to the classic trope. All around a fun romp through a near future where turkeys get their just revenge and survivors serve up some rotted carcasses with a healthy dose of stuffing!

There’s also this next book:

Next Comic Fantasy Books Signed:

Comic Fantasy Books Signed
Get your copy of My Undead Mother-in-law by clicking here!

With this typical review:

September 20, 2017

Format: Paperback

Paranormal Privateers  launches May 5th at I Know You Like A Book bookstore in Peoria Hts. The book’ll go on sale worldwide then. Don’t miss it! Here’s a sneak preview of the back cover:

But there’s more next!

What could be better than meeting Andy Zach?

Getting him in your email! You can subscribe and get a free ebook by clicking here:

Or here:

Or here!

Goodbye for now!  Look for my newsletter after you subscribe above!


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Free Books and Paranormal Privateers Progress Update

book giveaway next

Free Books and Paranormal Privateers Progress Update

Today’s the day I give away free books to my newsletter subscribers! (Don’t worry if you’re not a subscriber; you can fix that by clicking here.) But first, my Paranormal Privateers Progress Update.

I just made progress on Paranormal Privateers! So far I’m 100% complete on the Writing phase.  I’m 90% complete on Editing with two Weeks remaining until the deadline. (April 15th).

Paranormal Privateers Novel Progress
Paranormal Privateers

Paranormal Privateers Progress Update
Cropped sketch of rear cover of Paranormal Privateers

Upcoming Author Appearances – You can talk with me about my Paranormal Privateers Progress Update

Yes, you can press the flesh, meet and greet, and actually touch Andy Zach in person.

Here’s the first event:

April 15, 2018 Her Majesty’s Tea Room, from 12-4 PM

Here’s the next event:

September 20-22, St. Louis, Missouri.

Map’s right here:

The third event is my first convention, Chabanacon, set for November 2018! Get more details by clicking here.


Finally! Free Books Come Next! 

Exactly what free books can you get by following the secret steps, listed below? Here they are!

Paranormal Privateers Progress Update
Zombie Turkeys front cover. Click to get a copy!
Paranormal Privateers Progress Update
Back cover of comic paranormal novel Zombie Turkeys
paranormal privateers progress
Get your copy of My Undead Mother-in-law by clicking here!
Paranormal Privateers Progress Update
Back cover of My Undead Mother-in-law


How Do You Get These Free Books? Or Have You Already Gotten Them?

Let’s find out! Here are the past winners of free books from Andy Zach. Note that blank under book chosen means the person hasn’t claimed their book yet by email.

Continue reading Free Books and Paranormal Privateers Progress Update