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Kindle Publishing in 5 Easy Steps by Andy Zach

Kindle Publishing

Kindle Publishing in 6 Easy Steps by self-published author Andy Zach. Do you have your book all ready, but have no clue about publishing? Follow these 5 simple steps and see your book appear on Amazon.

Ready? Set? Go!

Life After Life Chronicles - Kindle Publishing
Enjoy all four novels in audiobook, paperback, or Kindle format!

Andy’s four books in his first series he published on Kindle, The Life After Life Chronicles.

Kindle Publishing – Your First Step to Success

Your first step is: Get a Kindle author account.


  1. Here’s a helpful video. Basically, you must create a KDP author account.
  2. “That’s nice Andy, but it doesn’t help me get an account.” Right. Here’s the REAL FIRST STEP: Create an Amazon account on Amazon. Just a regular old account here: Click here. Of course, if you already have an Amazon account, just sign in.
  3. Then what? You create a Kindle Author account here. Click here.

That wasn’t so hard was it? Now you’re ready to create your book.

Kindle Publishing Secret Supers Cover

Secret Supers – the first book of my second series.

Your Second Step to Self Publishing

You need to create a book. This is done in three steps. The first is the book details, listed in the six steps below.

I’m assuming you’ve already written it and you’re looking to publish it.

  1. Log into your Kindle Author KDP account. Use your Amazon account if necessary.
  2. Go to your KDP account homepage and click on Bookshelf. I’ve circled it in red below.

3. Next, you’ll see the choice of creating the Kindle book or a paperback book. Since the paperback has longer lead time, I always create that first. You can create either or both in any order. Click on the + Paperback option. You’ll see this.

Kindle Publishing

4. You can put in your book title and subtitle here, as well as the language. You can also put in the series number and order.

For example, I’ve put in my soon-coming book Zombie Detective The world’s only detective specializing in zombies in here. I also edited the series order of my Life After Life Chronicles series so Zombie Detective is number 2.

Kindle Publishing
Sam Melvin, Zombie Detective

Sam Melvin, Zombie Detective Click to get notified when it comes out. Cover reveal soon.

5. Moving on to the lower half of the book content screen we see:

Fill in the details appropriate to your book. For Zombie Detective, I have Edition 1, myself as the author, Dori Harrell as my editor, Rik Hall as my other editor, and Sean Flanagan as my illustrator. I also supply my book description.

6. Finishing off the screen we have this image:

Supply the details appropriate to your book. Note that book keywords and categories are a whole realm of alternatives that affect your sales. I won’t cover them here. Then click Save and Continue at the bottom of the page.

Your Third Step to Kindle Publishing – Upload Content

What content? Take a look at the Content page in the Kindle process below.

You’ll need an ISBN. You can buy your own for your own publishing company or you can use Kindle’s. I bought my own for Jule Inc.

Kindle Publishing

Since I’m publishing this month, June 2021, I’ll use the Kindle publication date. I also use black & white paper for the interior. If you have color pictures, you have a choice between standard and premium. My Trim Size or book size, will be 6×9 inches.

The next section of content includes Bleed/No Bleed and Matt/Glossy finish on the book. I pick No Bleed and Matt finish for my books. This is another area of printing details I won’t cover here.

Kindle Publishing

More importantly, this is where you upload your completely edited manuscript. Aside from correctly all typos and grammatical mistakes, you should also have at least a line edit done where the editor reviews all your sentences for optimum structure. If you haven’t had your manuscript professionally edited, go and hire one now. Developmental editing can also be helpful. Do your own research on this subject.

Similarly, your book cover should be professionally designed. I cannot stress this enough. Your cover is more important than your book content. If your content is bad, people may never buy another book from you. If your cover is bad, people won’t even look inside!

After your manuscript and cover are uploaded, you’re almost done. Kindle will check the content for any obvious errors. You’ll be able to review the whole book online before publication. Set aside a few hours to do that carefully.

Your Fifth Step to Kindle Publishing – Distribution and Pricing

Distribution–what does that mean? Where Amazon will distribute your book around the world.

Pricing–that seems obvious, what Amazon will charge for your book–but the book’s price determines what Amazon will pay you. Take a look at the distribution screen below.

I always choose ‘All territories’ for distribution. Why not?

Primary Marketplace for the US is The other Amazon sites are listed below.

Your pricing is trickier than you think. The higher the better? Maybe. You’ll get paid more for each sale–but will high prices hurt your sales? I compared Zombie Turkeys to all the top zombie books of comparable size–and I picked the lowest price for that sized book (187 pages). I’d rather take less per book and sell more books. Do your own price research.

The other areas’ prices are based off the US price. I don’t touch them.

With your prices and distribution set, hit the publish button!

Please Stand By While Kindle Publishes Your Book

You may have to wait up to 72 hours for the book to be everywhere you need. For your own copies of print books, expect a week for the first batch to be printed and another week or more of shipping. You can always pay more for faster shipping, but I hate to do that. This is why I said you have more lead time with print copies.

What about Kindle ebooks? No problem! They’re out there when they’re approved. Enjoy!

If this isn’t clear enough, leave a nasty comment or write to me here.

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You’ll Love These Superheroes from my second series

Jeremy Gentle

You’ll Love These Superheroes – who are they? In order of their appearance:

Jeremy Gentle

Jeremy Gentle
Jeremy, seventh grade superhero

Jeremy’s a 12-year-old genius in 7th grade. Too bad he’s stuck in a disabled class with cerebral palsy and no girl would ever look at his skinny, twisted body. But he has a cool lab in his basement where he experiments with 25,000 volt surge of electricity–leading to his superpower.

His shares his story with his best friend, Dan Elanga.

Love These Superheroes – Dan Elanga

Love These Superheroes
Dan Elanga, the second Secret Super

Dan’s parents sold their business in Cameroon to come to America to give their blind son a better chance. Dan pestered Jeremy until he told him about his experiment–and Dan tried it. And got a different superpower.

Of course, the boys tried to hide their superpowers. But they failed to consider their fellow student–

Kayla Verdera – the smallest superhero

Kayla Verdera - Love These Superheroes
Kayla Verdera

Kayla’s a genius like Jeremy, but she’s not even five feet tall. She used to be on the cheerleading squad as the topmost girl–until she got spinal meningitis. Now she has to use a walker, and a voice app to talk. Plus she drools. In one swoop she fell from one of the in crowd to the out crowd, the disabled kids.

But she notices Jeremy and Dan hiding something and talking together, so she gets her friend Aubrey to ask them. They invite her over to Jeremy’s house. And she gets a completely different superpower.

Now her best friend has to go to Jeremy’s next. she’s–

Aubrey Wilcosky – The Talkingest Superhero

Love These Superheroes - Aubrey Wilcosky
Aubrey, super powered heroine.

With Aubrey, she talks first and thinks later. She’s as big as Dan and was a star on the softball team–until she lost her legs in a car accident. Undaunted, she plowed on in borrowed prosthetics, while struggling in school. Kayla helped her study and they became best friends. Now she gets Jeremy’s experimental ‘treatment’ and receives a unique superpowered gift.

So the four friends become superheroes. What next? Find out in:

Also available in print, and ebook. But wait to buy the ebook–it goes on sale for .99 on May 10th!

Love These Superheroes – in Their Next Book

I said this was a series. I also said Secret Supers goes on sale on Monday May 10th. So does the Villain’s Vacation ebook. Get it here, on May 10th, for .99.

What happens in Villain’s Vacation? The Secret Supers go to a coaster park for summer vacation. Too bad their worst enemy is also there–and out for revenge.

Got questions? Ask me, Andy Zach by clicking here.

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Your Best Internet Science and Science Fiction and Fantasy

Your Best Science

Your Best Internet Science and Science Fiction and Fantasy – what do I mean by that?

I’ve read through the internet this January and these are the best science articles, science fiction, and fantasy books I’ve found. Plus my usual quirkiness and unpredictability.

Let’s begin now

Your Best Internet Science Articles

Let’s begin with AI combined with jet fighters.

AI Top Gun?

Posted by Andy Zach on Thursday, January 28, 2021

What can top an AI Top Gun? How about a science story that could come out of Star Trek or Star Wars?

Posted by Andy Zach on Saturday, January 23, 2021

Your Best Science Fiction

Here’s the first science fiction book I read this year and my review. I recommend this series.

Your Best Internet Science
Macedonian Hazard cover

This is the second book in this alternate history series, where a large ocean liner and its refueling tender have both gone back to 320 BCE. They arrive in the middle of Alexander the Great’s generals fighting over his empire.

The ship goes from port to port, officially neutral and promoting peace. However, they have aligned themselves with Alexander’s heir Philip and his mother Euyadice. Naturally, aside from advancing technology to the industrial revolution, the modern ship is smack in the middle of Grecian politics.

There are murders and battles, as the iron age civilization modernizes to the steam age within years. Eric Flint and his co-authors, Gorg Huff and Paula Goodlett keep the plot moving and the reader engaged with colorful characters from the 21st century and the 4th BCE.

Review by Andy Zach on Goodreads
How many of these fictional starships do you recognize in this video? Let me know and I’ll give you a free copy of Zombie Turkeys, my comical zombie apocalypse book.
Fictional Starhip Size Comparison

Next, you have a science fiction, steampunk, time-traveling trilogy I’m planning. I’m basing it upon the life of Nicola Tesla. Give me some encouragement, because I’m stuck right now. I can’t figure out how to work with Nicola or with time traveling. Can you?

I am planning a trilogy about Tesla time-traveling back in time. I'll use this interview as source material.

Posted by Andy Zach on Friday, January 29, 2021

Coming up is the best book trailer I’ve seen. I’ve never made a trailer for one of my books, but now I’ll seriously consider it.

Your Best Fantasy Books Are Next

I have to include this new short story anthology. Two of my short stories are in it. Actually, only one. The other was written by my daughter.

I collaborated on this horror short story anthology. Thanks for bringing this together, Trubbshore Gloria!

Posted by Andy Zach on Thursday, January 28, 2021

Then there’s this fantasy book. It’s the best fantasy book you’ve never heard of.

The cover of ‘The Throme of the Erril of Sherill’

I’m wildly biased in favor of Patricia McKillip. I’ve loved every book she’s written in her 40-year career. Like most of her books, ‘The Throme of the Erril of Sherill is full of beautiful language and imagery. Here are her opening two sentences:

“The Erril of Sherill wrote a Throme. It was a deep Throme, and a dark, haunting, lovely Throme, a wild, special, sweet Throme made of the treasure of words in his deep heart.”

But beyond the beautiful language is a complex, fairy-tale type plot with many twists, full of laughter and surprises.

If you love fantasy, read this book.

Review by Andy Zach on Goodreads

Let’s close this blog post with an ambiguous video. Is it science fiction? Or science fact?

Some science issues with this SF short. Can you find them?

Posted by Andy Zach on Friday, January 22, 2021