New Comic Urban Fantasy Book Status
I just made progress on new comic urban fantasy novel, “My Undead Mother-in-law”! So far I’m 78% complete on the Week 4 phase. 8 Days remain until the deadline.
This is my sequel to my comic urban fantasy novel “Zombie Turkeys”, the second in my “Life After Life Chronicles”. In this novel, I portray a normal, healthy, zombie family, and the reactions of the non-zombies to them.
I started writing the fantasy novel on November 1st, for NaNoMo. You can read about it there: Andy Zach NaNoMo Page
Although I missed the goal of 50,000 words in November, I’m plugging along and should finish the first draft in December. That’s the secret of writing: keep at it!
“My Undead Mother-in-law” picks up with the aftermath of “Zombie Turkeys”. You can read an free excerpt of my novel on this site“Zombie Turkeys” Excerpt.
Continue reading “My Undead Mother-in-law” Progress Update – December 8, 2016