Paranormal Super Bowl! Get your free zombie humor here!
Paranormal Super Bowl? You mean like zombie versus zombie? Or actual zombies versus people, apocalyptic style? How can that be funny? Try Zombie Turkeys!
Here you get zombie turkeys against football players! That’s just what you need for the Super Bowl! Your team losing today? Root for the zombie turkeys to appear!
I thought I’d review 2017: The year of My Undead Mother-in-law. I know, everyone else does this at the end of 2017. Don’t expect normal behavior from a comic paranormal animal author!
(Hint to impatient people: the good stuff is at the end!)
January 2017: First Author Appearance and . . .
I was on my last chapter of my first draft of My Undead Mother-in-law and I appeared at the bookstore I Know You Like A Book.
Get all your Weekend Zombie News! right here, from me, Andy Zach your favorite comic paranormal animal author.
First of all, my youngest pet phoenix Phoerensix, picked a book of the month winner. Here’s the first stage of packing;
And next is the second layer of packing:
Phoerensix also picked a winner of my monthly audiobook giveaway.
Do you want to get in on the free book drawings? Subscribe to my newsletter here.
Weekend Zombie News – We pose this question:
If you can figure out the meaning of this graphic image or if you have a wild guess, reply to this post or to my Facebook post and I’ll send you a ‘Paranormal Privateers’ advanced reader copy.
Weekend Zombie News – Audiobook Update
My audiobook will be coming out any day! Here’s me reading chapter 1!
Weekend Zombie News – How to Start a Novel
I found this advice pretty commonsensical.
Did You See This?
My new business card!
Then we have some more truth about being an indie author.
I also found this wonderful graphic illustrating complexity!
This blog is powered by WordPress. In 2018 I plan to study WordPress!
Weekend Zombie News – New Years Poem
My fellow author Jane Jago wrote this poem for New Years:
Upcoming Andy Zach Appearances at Conventions
Say, any of you readers want me to come to your town? Just reply, or send me a message right here.
Then there’s this new addition to my office door:
One of my favorite Christmas presents!
If you like time traveling science fiction, I found a great article about this right here:
If you like historical fiction, here’s a fun article about medieval walking.
Paranormal Privateers Update
I’m over fifty-nine thousand words in chapter 8. I also have a free advanced reader copy of chapter one if you request it or reply to this post!