Best 2023 Reviews So Far. I’ve been reading and writing in 2023. Read my reviews of books I’ve read and others reviews of books I’ve written. Then go and claim your free and discounted books from me.
I finished my most recent review the other day on Goodreads:
Best 2023 Andy Zach’s Reviews > The Color of Magic

The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1; Rincewind, #1)
by Terry Pratchett
it was amazing 5 of 5 stars
Read 4 times. Last read February 14, 2023.
I re-read this book for the fourth time, the second time since I became an author, and I love it even more!
This is the first book in Terry Pratchett’s Disk World series, so he sets up his magical system (magic is a color of light), his fantasy world (a flat world on the back of four elephants, standing on the back of a space turtle) and his characters (Rincewind, a magician with only one spell he can’t use. Cowardly and good at running away) (Twoflower, a classic tourist, with limitless chest of gold, no fear, and endless curiosity), (The Luggage, a suitcase with legs, mage of sapient pearwood, invulnerable and clever). And those three are merely the protagonists.
I won’t spoil any of the insane plot, but suffice it to say, Pratchett satirizes nearly every fantasy trope and many conventions of our current culture.
This fourth time around, I was writing my own fantasy novel/series and I looked at how Prattchett started out his series. It was a ripping good start, with unending action and interesting characters from the beginning. Who doesn’t like Death as an animated skeleton and a lugubrious voice?
Andy Zach‘s review
Best 2023 Reviews – Look What Someone Thinks Of …

This review appeared on Amazon this month.
Oops!: Tales of the Zombie Turkey Apocalypse (The Life After Life Chronicles)
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(Finally, click here if you want a free ebook to review. Or email me at [email protected])
Can I have some more sir? This book is so good!
February 10, 2023
A Phoenix that cannot be tranquilized pickles injected with turkey DNA, a hamster that can read… This is just three of the great stories you get in this book.
It makes me wonder what does Andy Zak thinks while sitting around at his house he must have a vivid, vivid imagination! I’m just glad he shares his madness with the world.
I do want to say I didn’t read the last three stories because it said they were spoilers for his superhero books that I plan on reading next but I absolutely love the author six or seven stories in this anthology and highly recommend them.
Once again the narration was great the stories were entertaining and they had lots of LOL moments! I thoroughly enjoyed this authors books and cannot get enough. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
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First, I’ll cover my zombie turkey apocalypse parody, The Life After Life Chronicles.

Then we have:

Next is Paranormal Privateers Click to listen
After that, you’ve got Oops! Tales of the Zombie Turkey Apocalypse

Moving on to my teen superhero series, we have two audiobooks.
Secret Supers is available in Audible for free if you subscribe or if you’re from the United Kingdom.

The next book in the series is Villain’s Vacation, the second of my three Secret Supers books.

Finally, my third book, Secret Supers in Space, in coming out in audiobook this month. Watch this blog!
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