“Audio Dramatization? Are you doing this, Andy Zach?”
“Don’t I wish! I’m not this talented. But Chris Herron is.”
“Who’s he?”
“Creator of podcast, website, and Youtube channel Tall Tales.”
“So what short story is this?”
“It’s my favorite short story I’ve ever written: In A Pickle.”
“Can I listen to it and read along?”
“You bet. Here’s the link to the short story. It’ll open in a new tab. The dramatization is below. Be sure to be sitting down and don’t operate heavy machinery while you listen to it. Note that this short story and many others are in my book, Oops! Tales of the Zombie Turkey Apocalypse.
The Audio Dramatization
It begins like this:
Now, what was he going to do? Brice Butterworth’s boss just told him to double the productivity of Vegan Inc.’s pickle strain they used for their Kilwowski Pickle brand. That was completely impossible.
But keeping his job required it. He was the low man on the genetic engineering totem pole at Vegan Inc., the last one hired and the first one to be fired if another recession hit.
Brice couldn’t think. He couldn’t face this. So he cruised the internet. “The origin of zombie turkeys? I didn’t know they’d found that. Hmm, a Midley Beacon exclusive, the foremost zombie news source,” he read out loud.
From the Tall Tales website
In A Pickle short story.
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Some more short stories I have for you:
A Phoenix Tale – I tell of my college studies of the phoenix and how I got one as a pet.
Brice Butterworth tries again to improve the productivity of Vegan Inc with completely unexpected results.
Find out what it’s like to be a superhero hamster–from the hamsters point of view.