Advent Days 6 through 11 – You can sample my other series.
If you’ve been following my posts, you know I meant to publish a post every day of Advent and give you something–but I missed this week due to COVID. So I owe six gifts. Let me give them to you now.
The week that wasn’t restarts with my Secret Supers series. I could describe it, but let’s start with a brand new review instead:
Beyond Limits!

Reviewed in the United States on December 11, 2023
It is a captivating tale that defies conventional superhero narratives. The author, with keen insight, weaves a story around four friends who turn their disabilities into extraordinary strengths.
The seamless integration of disability and superpowers challenges societal norms, making the story not just entertaining but also thought-provoking.
The author skillfully balances action, emotion, and humor, creating a narrative that engages readers of all ages. The message of resilience, unity, and embracing differences resonates throughout the book.
This book is a delightful read that not only entertains but also prompts reflection on the true meaning of strength and heroism.
Advent Days 6 through 11 – Gift 1
I know what you’re thinking–where’s my gift?
Get your free copy of Secret Supers in exchange for a review by clicking here. How’s that? Let me know.
But that’s not all. I’ve got another book in the series: Villain’s Vacation. And another reader opinion:
Secret Supers are back for another adventure!

Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2022
In this sequel to Secret Supers, Jeremy has been experimenting on his hamster. As a result, Dancer has learned how to read, and is reading everything he can to learn about the human world. When Jeremy discovers this, he gets Dancer one of his old cell phones so Dancer can text the group.
As for the superhero business, the group needs some downtime and goes on vacation to Coaster World. What they don’t realize is that the villain they defeated also loves roller coasters and wants revenge against the Secret Supers.
Will the Secret Supers be able to defeat the villain and enjoy their vacation, or are their crime-fighting days numbered?
Advent Days 6 through 11 – Gift 2
But you don’t have to believe this reviewer. You can try for yourself, with a free copy, in exchange for a review by clicking here.
Here’s chapter icon for you as well.

Advent Days 6 through 11 – Gift 3

Secret Supers in Space
The Secret Supers are bored out of their minds during summer vacation-until they go to Space Camp. They learn all about the space program, try out moon gravity and zero-g simulations, and practice docking with the International Space Station.
But that’s the easy part. The villains they defeated in the past are back with a diabolical plot that renders the middle schoolers’ superpowers ineffective. Jeremy, Aubrey, Dan, and Kayla face the biggest challenge of their lives. Even if they escape the villains’ clutches, will they survive?
Find out in Secret Supers in Space!
A Reader’s Opinion – A Stellar Adventure with a Twist!

Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2023
Andy Zach’s writing takes flight in Secret Supers in Space, propelling disabled teen superheroes Jeremy, Aubrey, Dan, and Kayla into a cosmic summer adventure. Narrator Khai Lannor brings the characters’ energy and determination to life, making this audiobook an intergalactic joyride for fantasy fans of all ages. Buckle up and join the Secret Supers in their gravity-defying mission – this exhilarating journey is one you won’t want to miss!
Your free copy to review is yours by clicking here.
Advent Days 6 to 11 – Three More Gifts!
Audiobooks can be reviewed too! To get your free copy of Villain’s Vacation, click here.
To get your free copy of Secret Supers in Space, click here.
“Where’s Secret Supers?” you may ask. I’m out of free codes!
“So where’s my last gift?”
Right below!
Free Excerpt from Villain’s Vacation – Chapter 1 – Dancer

How fascinating! This book says there are libraries where
hundreds of books live. It also says the fiction books are in
order by author name.
Dancer scurried off Your Sixth Year Reader to look at
Jeremy Gentle’s bookshelf again. Jeremy was Dancer’s owner
and unknowing educator. Ever since he’d taught himself to read
by studying the newspapers lining the bottom of his cage,
Dancer had craved reading.
He hadn’t figured out why he’d started reading. One day
Dancer had noticed patterns in the markings. He saw they
repeated themselves in clumps which then formed more
patterns. Then he started listening to his owners differently.
They also spoke in patterns. “Jeremy” was always called “Jeremy” or “Jeremy Gentle” by his mother and sometimes by
his father.
Dancer had learned to understand Jeremy and his parents, and then he’d put the terms they said with the clumps on the paper. Each letter had a sound, and together they formed clumps his master called “words.” The idea was brilliant. No wonder they were his owners and he was only a hamster.
Excerpt Chapter 1 Part 2 – Your Last Gift Today
Dancer read each paper eagerly to the point of memorizing it, but reading started to bore him. Jeremy only changed the lining about once a week. So he’d watched Jeremy open and close his cage door. Then he copied the motion, using his paws and nose. He left to search for more words to read.
Dancer found a treasure trove. This bookshelf was one of six in the lower level of his master’s big cage. Dancer decided to explore upstairs when he finished the books down here. He wasn’t even done with this shelf yet. The books he read so far were Jeremy’s old schoolbooks, all marked up by Jeremy. Dancer could smell Jeremy’s scent on them. He’d learned about books called “fiction,” which were stories humans invented. Humans organized fiction by author,
not topic, like nonfiction. Now, he’d look for these fiction books.
He scanned the shelf above the schoolbooks. Some of the hardbacks had names on the binding. Those were the authors. Wells, Yellen, Zach. That was alphabetical—maybe these were fiction books. He climbed to the second shelf and pulled the Zach one—Zombie Turkeys—out of its place.
Soon he so was engrossed, he hardly heard the front door open. Jeremy was home! Dancer had to get back in his cage.
Using his paws and mouth, he jammed the Your Sixth Year Reader and Zombie Turkeys back onto the shelf and scampered across Jeremy’s lab. He shinnied up the table leg to his cage, flipped the sliding door up with his nose, and squeezed in.
Tell Me What you Think
Let me know what you think of my gifts for you by clicking here or emailing me at [email protected]. As always, everyone who responds with a comment or email will get a free book from me.
You can get an autographed copy of Secret Supers directly from me by clicking here. Free shipping and I pay the sales tax.
Or you can get it on Amazon for $7.95. or $.99 .
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[…] Advent Days 6 through 11 – You can sample my other series […]