Advent Day 12- Your New View of Zombie Turkeys!
But let’s begin with your gift: you can get your Free Copy of Zombie Turkeys–and some giggles. I show you how in this blog post.
Zombie Turkeys was the first book I wrote and published. I wanted to write something light and funny. I fried a turkey, brought it into the house, and said, “What if this turkey came back to life?” Someone said, “It’d be a zombie turkey.”
“That’s my book title!” So I wrote the book around the title.

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But that’s not all you’ll get in this blog post.
Advent Day 12 – The New View

Firstly, where’s this review coming from?
Tess is a reviewer from Reedsy.
REVIEW: Zombie Turkeys, by Andy Zach
I really liked this book. What initially caught my attention was the title, of course — Zombie Turkeys. Who wouldn’t be intrigued? I figured turkeys are big enough to cause a problem, but not so big as to seem invincible. And, really, how dangerous can a turkey be? At least that’s what I thought until I started reading the book. And Andy Zach has provided us with a lot of zombie turkeys — really hungry, really aggressive, really strong, bloodthirsty zombie turkeys.
Through a bacterial infection turkeys zombify, attack, and then eat their prey. Side note: apparently, people are delicious. Who knew? And the flock … gaggle … rafter (what do you call thousands of rampaging zombie turkeys?) keeps growing, adding hundreds of domesticated turkeys every time they attack a farm. By the time they hit the big city, there are hundreds of thousands of zombie turkeys murdering their way across the Chicago. But, boy, do the people do fight back!
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The two main characters are Sam Melvin, a reporter for the obscure Midley Beacon, and Lisa Kambacher, editor, and Sam’s boss. They track the turkey frenzy from day one — a gruesome one-off death of two hunters by wild turkeys, or so everyone thinks. Then, as the flock gets larger and larger, the carnage explodes to encompass the entire state of Illinois as more and more domestic turkeys are infected and zombified. Sam and Lisa follow and report on the carnage, bringing together the knowledge needed to hopefully end the bloodshed. But, can they find the cure?
The story is satirical, with spoofs on the role of social media in today’s society: fame, fortune, and the ability to change the lives of those in its spotlight. It skews the “merch” culture, and how people will buy anything if it’s offered (yeah, I mean anything). There’s commentary on GMO companies, and society’s willingness to genetically alter crops without really knowing the long-term impact; on how instant wealth changes people; and on the role of militia groups and gun control in times of emergency. Zombie Turkeys is also prophetic, considering it was written before the pandemic.
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We see the little guy saving the world, while those in the public eye, spin the situation to suit their political needs. There’s even a cameo by former President Obama and his family.
This is a fast-paced book. There’s always action during a turkey apocalypse — brutal attacks, new weaponry, an NFL football game. It’s also very funny. And ironic. And there’s even a really awkward romance. Anyone who likes satirical, funny, ironic books will like Zombie Turkeys. And anyone who likes any one of those genres will enjoy it as well. I must say, I really enjoyed this book. I came for the turkeys and stayed for the satire.
Icon for Chapter 5
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