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Paranormal Privateers Progress Update

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Paranormal Privateers Progress Update

I must update you on my Paranormal Privateers Progress! So far I’m 69% complete on the Writing phase. Ten days remain until the deadline.

Here are some of the characters in Paranormal Patriots, as described in My Undead Mother-in-law.

paranormal privateers progress
Get your copy of My Undead Mother-in-law by clicking here!

Paranormal Privateers Progress – The Characters

Diane Newby 

“Karen barely flinched as she looked into her mother’s bright-red eyes.” “Diane still had blond-highlighted brown hair, as she did when I first met her. She’d gained a pound or two though.”

Diane Newby, in her natural environment.
Diane Newby, in her natural environment. The undead mother-in-law

George Newby

“A heavy tread down the stairs announced George Newby. His eyes shone red too, but while Diane was built like a middle-aged woman, George was a classic wide-body. His shoulders filled the stairway. You’d think he was a truck driver or a lineman rather than an accountant.

“Hi, Karen. Hi, Ron,” he rumbled. He hugged his daughter, as if he held a baby bird, and shook my hand without hurting me in his bratwurst fingers. His bright-red eyes looked squarely into mine.”

George Newby
George Newby, wide-body zombie.

Lulu Guitierrez

“I am Lulu Gutierrez,” said a dark-haired beauty, the first one to speak.

Sharon Wyndham

“I am Sharon Windham,” said a powerfully built Nordic blonde.

Paranormal Privateers Progress – More Characters

Then I have some characters first introduced in Zombie Turkeys:

Paranormal Privateers Progress
Zombie Turkeys audiobook cover. Click to get!

Sam Melvin

Bill looked up as a man came in—average height, maybe five nine, medium build, not fat, not skinny, roundish face, hazel eyes, and brown hair. He would be hard to remember. But Bill had known him all his life.

Sam Melvin
Sam Melvin, reporting on the zombie turkey apocalypse

Lisa Melvin

Lisa’s dark-brown eyes stared intently at what she edited.

Because of his good grades, Sam’s high school English teacher had suggested he volunteer for the school paper. He’d gone to the newspaper “office,” a walk-in closet, and had seen a tall, slender girl pounding away on an old IBM PC.

Lisa Kambacher Lisa Kambacher, grousing during the zombie turkey apocalypse

[mybookprogress progress=”0.6875″ phase_name=”Writing” deadline=”1517443200″ book=”2″ book_title=”Paranormal Privateers” bar_color=”CB3301″ cover_image=”1644″]

Internet Fun Stuff

Here are some fun links I’ve found:

Turkeys playing soccer! (football, outside the US.)


More funny turkey videos

From our friends in Australia, Box wars!

One of my book fans took a picture of his book shelf, complete with Zombie Turkeys and My Undead Mother-in-law. First fan to find them and email or comment, gets a free ebook of your choice!

Finally, always remember, chickens are evil!