9 Great Links For You: “Okay Andy,” you say. “Where are they?”
9 Great Links For You – The First
Here you go, the very first link. I laughed and laughed as I watched this. I remembered some scenes from my childhood, fifty years ago. Others I’ve never seen. Have you seen these scenes before? Let me know what you think in the comments or contact me. I’ve got a free ebook for the best comment.
9 Great Links For You – The Second
Elon Musk: Why I’m Building the Starship out of Stainless Steel

My dad had subscriptions to Popular Science and Popular Mechanics and I always read those magazines through the 60s and 70s. I was tickled to find this article in PM. It was so interesting! Do you think so?
9 Great Links For You – The Third
Did you know I like tea, as well as funny zombies? Check out my new video next, where I talk about both.
9 Great Links For You – The Fourth
I’ve played basketball since I was 18 and I’ve followed basketball since I was 13. Now I’m following a great college talent, Zion Williamson. Here’s the best video of him so far.
9 Great Links For You – The Fifth
I meet a lot of great authors. One of them, Zachry Wheeler interviewed me. If you’ve followed this blog long or not, check it out and see if you learn something new.
Zeedub Bezzies: Travel, Tunes, and Zombie Turkeys with Andy Zach
by Zachry Wheeler | Jan 23, 2019 | Zeedub Bezzies
Zeedub Bezzies is an ongoing series where I showcase talented authors by goading them into random questioning. It’s good fun, a little weird, sometimes awkward, but always entertaining.
My my my, how to describe Andy Zach in simple and conventional terms. A nigh impossible task, but let’s try anyway for our own amusement. Peculiar? Yeah, but that’s par for the author course. Quirky? Most definitely, but that doesn’t paint the fullest of portraits. Delightfully bizarre in a preternatural Lemony Snicket kind of way? Mhmm, that’s about as close as we’re going to get. Andy found it most agreeable to participate in Zeedub Bezzies, so let’s find out more about him.
What were the inspirations for your stories?
Zombie Turkeys – frying a turkey and imagining it coming back to life.
9 Great Links For You – The Sixth
The next video is six minutes long and boring. It just shows a light pulse moving from the Earth to Mars and back. The awesome thing is, since it’s moving at the speed of light, it gives you a feel for the vast distance between Mars and the Earth, even at our closest approach.
9 Great Links For You – The Seventh
How about a new audiobook? I’ve got one! The link includes a free sample. Or, you can win one by entering here for my two monthly drawings.

You can also get Paranormal Privateers on Audible or iTunes.
9 Great Links For You – The Eighth
In case you didn’t realize, I love cruising YouTube looking for fun content. Here’s The Incredibles 2 re-edited into seven different genres.
9 Great Links For You – The Ninth
How can I wind up this list? How about with a clip from one of the most iconic comedies of all time?