Win 3 Free Books from Author Andy Zach–how? The first book you can win is Paranormal Privateers. I describe the contest in my Facebook post below.
Here’s another hint on winning the book: who is this on the hoverboard?
Speaking of Paranormal Privateers, here’s another related item:
I just thought of a way to give another book away–become the 500th or 1000th person to like my F
All you have to do is send me a screen shot, like this next screen shot:

Then I’ll look at my like count and if you’re 500 or 1,000, I’ll send you an ebook of your choice.
Here’s another ‘cool’ video from the Zombie Turkeys page:
This is really cool – blowing bubbles in the freezing cold – Wow!
— Physics & Astronomy Zone (@ZonePhysics) January 30, 2019
Win 3 Free Books from Author Andy Zach – The Second Way
I feel guilty about this way. But it’s worth the guilt. This method can give you up to four books. My Life After Life Chronicles and my soon coming Secret
What is this magical, mystery method?
Nope, not creating a world-famous pop hit. Just review one of my books and post it on Amazon or Goodreads. Contact me when the review is posted and then I’ll send you a book of your choice
This means you’ll get four free books for four reviews.
Note you do not have to give a favorable review. Oddly, some people prefer to see some low rated reviews. Amazon cares about the number of reviews rather than the average score.
Some authors try to scam people and Amazon by bribing people with books on the condition they get good reviews. Other people try to
As much as I hate 1 star reviews (I’ve gotten some!) I take solace in that everyone is different. Not everyone will like everything. Even CS Lewis, the author of the Narnia fantasy series, gets dozens of one star reviews.
I got a new review of Zombie Turkeys the other day. Let me give it as an example:
February 24, 2019
This book was really good. It kept me wondering what would happen next. Can’t wait to read the next one.
Win 3 Free Books from Author Andy Zach – The Third Way
Why is the clock ticking? It’s one week to my next free book drawing. I should say drawings, since I hold two drawings every month.
I let you pick which book you want and which format. (Print or ebook). My second book drawing is for my audiobooks.
How do you enter? Join my newsletter here by entering your email.
That’s it for now! Andy Zach, signing off!