Origin Story of Zombie Turkeys–where did they come from? How can they be stopped? I tell you all!
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Zombie Turkeys was the first book I wrote and published. I wanted to write something light and funny. I fried a turkey, brought it into the house, and said, “What if this turkey came back to life?” Someone said, “It’d be a zombie turkey.”
“That’s my book title!” So I wrote the book around the title.

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But that’s not all you’ll get in this blog post.
Origin Story – Zombie Turkeys – Review

Firstly, where’s this review coming from? Goodreads!
S. Policar
Author 24 books
November 20, 2023
If you’ve seen Poultrtgeist: Night of the Chicken Dead or Thankskilling and liked them, you’ll LOVE this. The sarcasm is there, the humor is dark and twisted, and our killer Tom turkey wakes up every day feeling great and ready to see who he can kill in the state of Illinois with his massive flock of wild and domesticated zombie turkeys.
I loved this book. The end is a bit predictable given the fact that it’s a series, but its definitely the predictable you’d expect from something like this. I think this book would make a great low budget movie like the two I mentioned earlier; and let’s be realistic, thanksgiving is a pretty much open holiday in the book and movie business.
I give this book 4 of 5 Paws and I look forward to reading the rest of this series.
Origin Story – Unique Review – 2

Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2018
I loved every gobbling, clucking page of this book. It’s this hilarious and insane story that wonderfully hits all the right zombie outbreak tropes I love, but done with turkeys and thanksgiving themes. SO FUNNY! I could read about heroic turkey farmers making chipper-shredder last stands for just about forever.
The main dude, Mr. Unknown Blogger, was also a very likable and fun main character to ride around with. I loved reading about this bottom-of-the-pile reporter turning his life around even while the hordes of zombie turkeys get worse and worse.
Just writing this review makes me want to read the book again. So much fun.
Origin Story – Audiobook – Review – 3
Deliciously silly book!

Icon for Chapter 5
What a deliciously silly book! If you love zombies and comedy, this zombiedy story is for you. The whole premise of zombie turkeys is just so ludicrous it makes the whole tale funny, no matter how seriously the characters take their roles. Story is suitable for the whole family. Very little blood & guts, no swearing, sweet, innocent romance.
I really enjoyed the main characters, Sam and Lisa, who work for a small newspaper in Illinois. Sam is out for the real story, thoroughly enjoying his investigative reporting. Lisa runs the little newspaper with efficiency and soon she has the entire nation demanding their news reports. Zombie turkeys are a bad problem, for sure, but they have launched this small newspaper right into the big leagues.
I loved all the straight line jokes, like how the turkeys couldn’t possibly outsmart law enforcement or the military. Yet people aren’t thinking like turkeys, let alone zombie turkeys. In order to predict their behavior, one must mindmeld with the zombie turkey!
Then there’s the weapons deployed to eradicate the turkeys – flechettes, flame throwers, big knives, grenades, etc. The story takes every opportunity to poke fun at being over-prepared… for the wrong things. Yet, no one could possibly see zombie turkeys coming, right? The story ends with one final piece of investigative journalism which just might explain where these deadly birds came from. So looking forward to book 2! 5/5 stars.
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