Meet my aliens from my SciFi book Paranormal Privateers. I’m author Andy Zach and I’ve got some aliens for you from this book.

The situation: The aliens have just landed in a flying saucer on the White House lawn.
Now you’re ready for your free excerpt that follows below.
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Meet My Aliens: Paranormal Privateers
Chapter 9 – Washington DC

Sam and Lisa craned their necks with thousands of others as the saucer descended to the cleared area on the lawn. A hundred feet across, of smooth, unbroken silvery metal, it looked more like a lens than a saucer, with a smooth convex curved top and bottom. It floated silently as a balloon and landed like a snowflake.
“Look! It’s opening!” Sam said.
The edge of the saucer split, revealing a ramp to the interior. The alien ambassador Micah Rigby came out, holding both hands up in a gesture of peace. Tied to each of his wrists were silver strings, which pulled along two large red balloons. Hanging from the balloons were gaily wrapped packages.
“Greetings, Earthlings and my fellow Americans!” Micah Rigby spoke from the bottom of the ramp. Although he didn’t have a microphone, Sam and Lisa clearly heard him from a hundred feet away.
“The Old Ones send along two gifts for the President. We learned from Klaatu, who got shot for bearing a gift. I suggested the balloons and wrapping to show the gifts are not dangerous.”
“May I approach the president?”
“C’mon up, Ambassador Rigby!” boomed the President through the speakers.
Ambassador Rigby walked across the lawn and up the steps to the platform, balloons and presents bobbing merrily behind him.
“Here’s the Old Ones’ first gift for you.” He unwrapped the pink-and-yellow-striped package. It looked like a small silver phone. Micah handed it to the president and gave the balloon to the Secret Service agent next to the president. “You can give the balloon to your daughter, Agent Smith.”
Startled, the agent took the balloon.
Meet My Aliens from Paranormal Privateers

“Mr. President, this is a voice-activated cell phone. Simply speak the person’s name and you can see them and talk with them.”
“That’s like our cell phones.”
“The Old Ones copied the normal cell phone voice interface. However, the person you call does not have to have a phone at all! If you wish, your image can be projected to them.”
“Also, this phone is not limited by distance, nor can the signals be blocked. Finally, if you say ‘Old Ones,’ you can talk directly to them.”
“OK. Old Ones.”
Five translucent figures appeared near the president, all white-haired and bearded. One white, one black, one Asian, one Native American, and one brown race that might have been Middle Eastern.
“Greetings, Mr. President! How can we help you?”
“I wanted to see if you’d answer and what you looked like.”
“To be honest,” said the black one, “this is not how we look. These are merely our projected images. We use your races to show we are different to some extent like your races are different. White hair and beards symbolize our age.”
“What do you actually look like?” the President asked.
“We thought you might be curious,” said the Asian figure.
“That’s why we gave you the second gift,” said the Middle Eastern one.
“Here it is, Mr. President,” Micah said, handing him the larger orange-and-purple package.
The president unwrapped it and opened a sealed box. A cute furry caterpillar, with a head and face like a fox and long, furry pointed ears, quickly crawled out and up the president’s arm to his shoulder. It moved with a rippling motion. Squirrel-sized, it sat on his shoulder, licked his face, and purred contentedly.
Your Excerpt Concludes
“That tickles! You’re a cute little fellow, aren’t you? What are they called?”
“There are no equivalent species on earth, but we thought you might like them. They’re part of our ship’s ecology,” said the bearded white Old One. “You may call them anything you’d like, but we think they’re most like the Tribbles from Star Trek.”
“I can see that,” the president said.
“Minus the uncontrolled reproduction in the Star Trek episode!” The black Old One laughed. “These Tribble-like creatures must go back to the saucer each day for food. There are certain proteins they need they cannot get from your biosphere. We withhold the amino acids they need for reproduction.”
“They can eat harmful insects, flies, and mosquitoes, bed bugs, and cockroaches, but they cannot thrive or reproduce here,” added the brown Old One.
“So do you look like caterpillars, foxes, or Tribbles?” President Trump asked.
“It’s more of a metaphor than a literal appearance,” said the Caucasian.
“We want you to think of us as cute, warm, and fuzzy,” said the Asian.
“Will we ever get to see what you really look like?”
“It’s not necessary,” the five images answered in unison. “It has been pleasant talking with you, Mr. President. Our ambassador will discuss the trade arrangement we desire.”
The images disappeared.
My Aliens – What do you think?
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