3 Things About Author Andy Zach–Let’s start with my office.
What about the inside of my office? It’s messy. Here you see a little of my desk and computer screen.

Now you see a little more of my desk.

Do you see the sticky notes? I used them to manage writing Zombie Turkeys. I still use them to remind to do stuff.
Maybe you’re unimpressed. “This isn’t very messy, Andy!” you might say. Okay, here’s a wider view of my desk (on a good day).
Next, you get the view of the rest of my office.
Messy enough for you?
3 Things About Author Andy Zach – The Second
Despite all appearances, I’m a real human being. I was born in 1956.

I had my childhood in the 60s.

And I went on family vacations, like this one to Lake Ontario in 1968.

But that’s not all of my humanity! Next, you’ll discover I actually own and love dogs.

My wife Julie named him ‘Trip’ because the first time we took him to the park he walked between my wife’s legs. Then he grew.

I’d like to know about YOUR pets. What kind of pets do you have? Contact me or answer this poll.
1. What kind of pets do you have or wish you had? (1 minute survey here. You get a free book if you get the right answer on the final question.)
Now, what’s the last thing about me as an author you may not know?
The Last Thing About Author Andy Zach
You can’t just be an author. You also have to be a businessman and entrepreneur.
I have to pay taxes–even if I don’t make any money! How’s that? I must pay sales tax on cash sales.
Even if I don’t have any income (I assure you, I don’t! Revenue, book sales, is not the same as income. Income=sales-costs), I must pay sales tax on my sales. And on my purchases.
Taxes are a big enough issue I’ve written these blog posts about them:
3 Tax Tips For Authors Business Owners

Taxes 101 for Authors – The Andy Zach Way

3 Tax Programs Compared For Tax Day

In these posts, you will learn how to track your expenses, your revenues, and how to compute your taxes so you maximize your returns. Check them out!